PR - Frost, Wolven
Name of player: Wolven, Frost

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:99466670 (frost), STEAM_0:1:121483633 (Wolven)

Time in GMT: Not sure

Server: V4B1

Summary: Summary in video.

[Image: fc5d486605e9927d1db6571ea04f89bf.png]

I've reviewed the evidence and found this PR valid, and therefore this is approved.

Frost will be permanently banned as per last chance, he should have known alot better.

Wolven will recive a 2 weeks ban for this, he should have known alot better and this will be his 11th ban.

Thanks for your report,
[Image: edfa8a344463b04e45f386ad4525099e.png]

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