Name of player: JOFIGHT H1Z1.PLUS and DIMITRIS

SteamIDSTEAM_0:1:75092503 , STEAM_0:0:127839448

Time in GMT: First Video: 07.13.2017 - 00.58.53
             2nd Video:   07.13.2017 - 00.45.20

Server: V4B1

First Video:

Summary: I saw the lambo illegal parked so I wanted to move to the nexus and clamp it but while I was waiting for the warrant, JoFight H1Z1.Plus comes and jumps inside the car, I ask him to get out but he kept trying to get away and tried to CDM me at the end

2nd Video:

Summary: I was on a pursuit on JoFight when I got him stuck into a pole, I got out took my weapon out and asked him to stop moving but he instead jumps back into his car and tries to get away again, after that he gets out again and gets stuck. After a bit Dimitris comes and shoots me with an XM and kills me


First Video:

2nd Video
Awaiting Dimitris input.

He has 24 hours to respond to this.
Well there are not much to say here. After reviewing this video I can see that I was in the wrong. I should of given the cop a chance and put her under FearRP. I should not of open fired without saying anything I know my mistake and I won't repeat it again. Also I would like to apologies to Cassie for what I did.
Cassie accepted your apology(Asked her ingame), also it seems Awestruck already has blacklisted you ingame.

JOFIGHT found guilty of breaking FearRP

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