CDM Report
Thread Title: Report: CDM

Name of player: MedusaGreifYT-DriverKingYT

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:202530048-STEAM_0:0:202964608

Time in GMT: 11:47(EU)-14:47(TR)

Server: V4b1

Summary: They first pushed my car with theirs and then I hit their car. They moved their car back and drived on me...

Evidence  (You can see the corleones ) can see my hat left side)- was a mechanich at the time you can see it from the first evidence)
[Image: ipaLX1fa_o.png]
You can crosscheck the hours in the images.
[Image: ipaLX1fa_o.png]

DriverKingYT will be issued a blacklist from vehicles. No punishment will be given to MedusaGreifYT, as he is only a passenger and not in control of the car.

Thank you for reporting.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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