Report: romodomo
Name of playerromodomo


Time in GMT: about 8:30ish

Server: V4B1

Summary:2 Fire men come from top street with contraband printer in the road and take it into the nexus, They said it was 'evidence' and that they want to show  the president. But they are screaming it is 'evidence' and the police are destroying it. (I think its not 'evidence' I think it is just minging. 

[Image: NdnijXre.png]

Okay, my friend. I was involved here.

Some guy placed contraband inside of the fire department and we brought it to the nexus to make some RP
but then the police officer just rammed it with his ram and we lost it
also you were not involved here you were just a witness, don't post a ban request because "I think it is just minging."
You were fire men! You were doing a police officera work. Police officers are ment to securr, protect and keep the pease. This includes dealing with contraband. Fire men rescue, serve and protect. Not to deal with contraband.
[Image: NdnijXre.png]

how is bringing printers that were found in the fire department to the police minging? if i saw contraband irl i would report it to the police wether i was a firefighter or not, maybe if you went outside some day you would realize that's what usually happens

but hey, sorry if i broke your roleplay immersion by reporting these printers to the police, ill make sure to ask for your roleplay approval next time i do that.
(03-04-2017, 01:35 PM)NinjaLabs Wrote: You were fire men! You were doing a police officera work. Police officers are ment to securr, protect and keep the pease. This includes dealing with contraband. Fire men rescue, serve and protect. Not to deal with contraband.

are you breaking fearrp???
(03-04-2017, 02:30 PM)Cats_Is_Soft Wrote:
(03-04-2017, 01:35 PM)NinjaLabs Wrote: You were fire men! You were doing a police officera work. Police officers are ment to securr, protect and keep the pease. This includes dealing with contraband. Fire men rescue, serve and protect. Not to deal with contraband.

are you breaking fearrp???
there were no guns involed
[Image: NdnijXre.png]

(03-04-2017, 02:16 PM)romodomo Wrote: how is bringing printers that were found in the fire department to the police minging? if i saw contraband irl i would report it to the police wether i was a firefighter or not, maybe if you went outside some day you would realize that's what usually happens

but hey, sorry if i broke your roleplay immersion by reporting these printers to the police, ill make sure to ask for your roleplay approval next time i do that.
I acsept the appolgiy but remeber its police bissness.
[Image: NdnijXre.png]

From what I am seeing here, all they were doing was giving the contraband to the Police which I think any normal person would do when coming across an illegal item like that. I think this situation was handled in a sensible manor nor does it qualify as FailRP in my opinion.

[Image: jfQuooI.png?1]

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