PR : Evanswachtz
Name of player: Evanswachtz

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79510432

Time in GMT: 4:30PM GMT

Server: v4b1

Summary: I Entered the city , and there was Barriers at front of nexus , This SRU was Patrolling [Evanswachtz]
I made a turn behind park , and I was going to Behind BP and that SRU officer start shoting at me like hell and killed me , I came to him and ask him in LOOC did you kill me and he said Yes , I would like this man to get banned for RDM He got 700+ Hours, He must know better , Thanks .


[Image: y4HeX]
You were wreckless driving, speeding and drove through our barricades. You were a danger to the Citizens in the area. This is why I shot you, along with my fellow SRU members.

Let me add that we had seen you in your "pink" car doing the same things as stated above, before this happend.

Edit: Further inspecting, you did this as a mechanic? Now that is FailRP.
This was at faults on both sides,

Evan, shooting someone for that so early into the crime is not acceptable. Killing should be last resort; how hard would it be to put a pursuit call on a pink dodger around the city? This is indeed RDM I am afraid as you resorted to killing when he had not committed any vehicle slaughter nor had the pursuit escalated to an unprecedented level. You have received a blacklist from weapons and sru.

IBRAHIM, your actions as to ramming that barricade (in a pink dodger..?) as a mechanic is highly unrealistic and indeed failRP. You've received a blacklist from vehicle and mechanic.
Kind Regards,

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