Ban for Steve4448
Player name: Steve4448

SteamID (if possible):STEAM_0:0:28845806 1:58:09 163 0 active
Time in GMT: 10:27 Central Standard Time 4:27 GMT (i believe)
Summary: I was prop killed several times by steve, as well as he blocked the entrance to nexus. He spawned killed me with props several times.
Evidence: Picture, check logs? the picture got blury sorry idk what happened.
This is true he also killed me several times by propkilling. He prop pushed my car out of the city. He also propblocked the commander inside nexus and kept on prop killing him. We told him to stop or hell get banned he replyed with " I dont care im already getting banned. If you need more evidence i have tons of pictures
[img]C:\Users\Hassan\Desktop\fearless rp logo.jpg[/img]
I can second this; he prop killed, prop pushed a car, prop blocked the nexus. His only reply consists of 'trolololol'. Ban him now.
This is getting worse and worse. He's ruining the game for everyone. Where are the admins when you need them? D:

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