Player name: Ahsoka

SteamID (if possible): STEAM_0:0:27840680

Time in GMT: Around 22:20 - 22:35 PM

Summary: We were building up a base at the upper offices,
when the elevator arrived, a rebel ran out, and stayed outside of our defences.
With the next elevator ahsoka and a cop arrived, killing the rebel.
The He yelled at us " Open the door or we kill you ".
So enemy snipaah and me tryed to explain the situation to him and
that he can't just yell at us to open the door.
We also exlained to him that he needs a valid reason do
search a house. All that he said was 'this gonna take me a sec.'
Nearly 2 seconds later i had a search warrant.
He stormed in.
Still without a valid reason.
Just a dead rebel outside our door?
He never named a reason.
Then we both stucked in between the fading doors,
he did not move backwards, did not taze me, he just randomly killed me.
After that he rushed inside, just killing snipaah,
did never taze him, just shot him in the face without yelling or a warning.

playing for
> 6 years Day of Defeat Source
> 2 years Gmod - experience
^1 year superadmin at a Semiserious RP

Best link on the internet = http://z0r.de/2902
Ask Bio:
20:00 - [FL:RP] BioWulf: damn holy shit
20:00 - [FL:RP] BioWulf: that's awesome

Ok then my side of the story, since that was by a LONG shot not the truth. I get called to a request by the head of the SS at the time (FL: Penguin) Anyway there was myself, Head of SS and two cops. After going over a slightly awesome Obstacle course owned by a rebel that fired at a cop, we got in the elevator and went to the top floor, Myself and the other SS used riot shields while the cops had their guns out, When we got to the top floor the Riot Shields failed and the Head of SS and a cop died before i killed the rebel. Since he was there on the top floor with a fully constructed base behind them, i politely asked (because i caught a glimpse of an AK-47 in the hands of one of the people behind the barricade) i asked them to open the door now or they would die. They said no and explained to me that they had nothing to do with the rebel. At the time i did not believe them and asked them to open the door for a Contraband check (to make sure they were telling the truth) They then ask for me to give them a warrant and a valid reason... Ok Rebel owns the bottom floor of the Offices, shots cop, we want to check that the place is secure. At the time we had no idea that the rebel wasn't with them so we tell the president the situation who gives us a warrant to go in, So we go in and the sound of a gun being pulled out was heard (after we broke through the first door of the two, so i take cover while the second cop comes in. I then find that the Gun Dealer starts to block the way of entry into the second door after being asked to move 4 times and not doing anything. Meanwhile DURING THE POLICE RAID, you got the other gimp destroying the contraband (with sounds) in the background. After which, the gun dealer dident move at all i shot him to get in the second area. By this time the guy had destroyed the contraband and moved to a more favorable attack position, so i move back through the first gate and shoot the second guy (who still had a gun in his hand and he numpads a barricade in front of me, causing me to be stuck inside a prop, when he opened the prop again (a button perhaps) and shoots the second cop with me, by this time i managed to kill the second guy and break into their base (and suprise suprise no contraband)
Recap: Prop trap, Stalling, Destroying contra during raid. Fail RP?
First of all, learn to use the 'return'-button FFS.

First of all,
there is something called in 'dubio pro reo'.
Second thing is,
you stated that you explained the situation to the president.
When did you do that?
While you were shouting at us to open the door to avoid being killed by you?
You can shout and type at the same time?
Need to know how that works *_*.

Secondly i didn't block the door,
I also told you on ingame voice.
I was trying to help the cop with the first keypad,
since he was to stupid to ram it...

On your sentence 'i asked 4 times ...'
Snipahh witnessed taht you just stood there yelling something completely
ununderstandable. Then you killed me.
Why didn't you taze me?

You are alloewd to destroy your own contra during a raid.
Storm said so.

You are just fail.
playing for
> 6 years Day of Defeat Source
> 2 years Gmod - experience
^1 year superadmin at a Semiserious RP

Best link on the internet = http://z0r.de/2902
Ask Bio:
20:00 - [FL:RP] BioWulf: damn holy shit
20:00 - [FL:RP] BioWulf: that's awesome

Also when you said "After that he rushed inside, just killing snipaah,
did never taze him, just shot him in the face without yelling or a warning." It was about 2 mins after you died before i killed him and by that i killed him through his front window
If i was to tazer you, i would have still killed you by Walking on top of you to get in your base, it was to much of a narrow Walkway, that and i told you to move as you stalled, you made no effort to open your door to get back in, even though i told you to move. and i could hear your friend destroy your contra in the background
I was the Rebel, did i do anything wrong? :S

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