Ban Request ( sienk04 )
Name of player: sienk04

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53855900

Time in GMT: GMT +9 11:42AM

Server: v2d

Summary: Rejoining to avoid an arrest.



i logged ot because you tasered me and was trying to arrest me for calling you an idiot. i called you an idiot because you tazered me randomly...
(08-02-2012, 04:05 AM)richardhammond Wrote: i logged ot because you tasered me and was trying to arrest me for calling you an idiot. i called you an idiot because you tazered me randomly...

You called me a slut, I heard it when you insulted me thru mic, what else did you expect, insulting an officer without getting arrested?
And this to.

[Image: Capture.gif]
+support seen it was right there
Ban requst approved for disconnecting to avoid arrest twice.

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