ban request ionut05
Name of player: ionut05_sergiu

SteamID: steam_0:1:14681873

Time in GMT: Just now

Server: v2d

Summary: This guy keeps getting demoted from police then he will reconnect to become a cop again..

[b]Evidence:kill random people ..
(Radio) Morgan freeman: I have demoted ionut05_sergiu from Police Officer.
(PM) To Reee..: the dude you demoted because he was punching me
Player ionut05_sergiu left the game (Disconnect by user).
Player ionut05_sergiu has joined the game.
Too late i already maked one with evidence of his propblock Tounge
If this was yesterday i know i demoted a bunch of not rping cops when i was president and one off them was ionut,

<3<3 I will never forget you grandfather 14.9.11 R.I.P<3<3

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