Ban Request: Number1554
Name of player: [FL:RP]Number1554

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:46819333

Time in GMT: 20:00

Server: rp_evocity_v2d

Summary: I saw this dude asking people to kill him, and blocking cars from driving. I'm starting to get pissed by all these suiciders...

Evidence: [Image: 29uujoi.jpg]
Godd sake mann. I was doing family rp, and i was a really depressed kid that wanted to die.
- Midnight Blues

Yo man !

He was doing FamilyRP with me i was the farther and my wife divorced me i fog fired had no money and my son (Number1554) was a depressed kid he wanted to kill him-self and we were doing RP!
Checking logs for actual RP
Logs are not saying anything about a family RP.

Ban request approved.

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