Name of player: Frozered

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41942273

Time in GMT: Around 12:10 PM CST.

Server: V2d.

Summary: So I was selling food at the Jetro Cafe and he comes in and spawns a bottle prop which irritated me so I threw it at a wall and broke it. Then he jokingly said "I uhm....want..." and started drawing his crowbar and rushed me, and beat my skull in and the made smug remarks and I think admittance to it. I have three pictures which will be posted.


I think the pictures should show the evidence. Have a good day, thanks for reading!
He was also doing this to a gun dealer and wouldn't stop.

It was quite annoying.
Request reviewed and approved.

Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player (Frozered,STEAM_0:1:41942273 ) was found violating rules regarding Killing with invalid Reason .
Suspension will be applied for 2 days.

[FL] Alexia
Server Administrative Team

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