Your name: kipeer ( daniel tottd or smth )

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9184559

Banning Admin: Mike

Ban Length: ?????

Reason for the ban: retry after die, admin took my car ( he's doing his job, thief ) we talk and he offer my car for 500$ ( i got 320$ only ... ), i talk with cop about that, he kills cop and me ( randomly i don't know why, take out crowbar and kill me Angel ). I got LOST CONNECTION text in top right, i wait 5-10 seconds ( its normaly on my computer and RP Servers, just crashed ). When i come back admin tells me i rejoin becasue i don't want PAY 500$ ONLY fucking 500$, and he ban me for it. He see on screen im disconnected normaly, so i don't what gone wrong... But i realy got REDLINE TEXT LOST CONNECTION.

Why we should unban you:
It's my first crime, situation is weird but i should get warn at first ( if he are normal admin he should tell me: u can't do that, u will lost your money for rejoin and u get ban for 15minutes for yoga or smth Cheese )

If i will be admin i tell everybody what they do bad, and why get ban/kick. But in this situation i don't get warn, don't get learn about rules. Just ban without normaly reason.

Please delete this ban from big hole and give me play. Durex PLAY'A.!

This thread bug own
Well first of all

"I talk with cop about that, he kills cop and me ( randomly i don't know why, take out crowbar and kill me Angel )"

You started to talk to the cop about what I did, so to cover my tracks I had to kill him. Then I went to talk to you and you took out a P228 and started to shoot at me, so I killed you. So that's a lie right there.

Then after I kill you right after you die I see a player disconnected. Now if you really lost connection I would have saw connection dropping.
Your ban was going to be a hour or 30 mins, since it was your first time. But you lied about it which makes it worse.

Your not the only one. another guy Right after I banned you, he did the same thing, trying to see if he could get away with it. He got a ban as well.

This ban will not be lifted as its not more then a day, its only 1000 mins, a day is 1440. So you will unbanned around a day so don't worry.

[Closed, Denied]
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