Gamemode Map Voting AKA "Rock the Vote" (HEAR ME OUT)
Title of Suggestion: Map Voting AKA "Rock the Vote" (HEAR ME OUT)

A command (like /rtv) which would allow players to nominate maps from a MODEST pool. (like max 10)
Less popular maps could be switched-out monthly. Would help relieve burnout after a map has been popular for a time.
If enough maps are nominated (ex: 3 min, 5 max), players could call for a vote. Should be a near-consensus of players, like 75-80%
To prevent people from exploiting low population from swapping maps on a whim, a minimum number of players will have to be on the server for the commands to work.

But what's stopping someone from asking 10 of their friends to hop on and vote for a map to troll the server?
Solution 1: Give all admins the ability to abort any map change
Solution 2: Make the map change time extra long (even one hour would be reasonable) to give people time to call an admin (or just to wrap up their builds/roleplay)

What about events?
Also give admins the ability to disable /rtv entirely (maybe on a timer in case someone forgets to turn it back on lol) so that the map does not change during events

Map changes should have extra long cooldowns (6 hours? more??)

I know what most of you are thinking:
"this is a horrible idea, roleplay servers aren't supposed to use map-voting, something designed for arena shooters like tf2 and cs2. communities get invested in a single map, their builds are for single maps, and everything besides evocity and downtown is badly optimized!!!"

Oh but au contraire my friends, RTV in gmod is making a comeback. Many build servers have started using map-voting throughout 2024, go see for yourselves
In addition, gmod is entering its nostalgia era through the growing popularity of ARG fads and retrospective video essays

This is the perfect opportunity to experiment. Some old maps deserve a comeback. Evocity_v4b1 is a fine map and it (along with its siblings) have earned a place in the mapvote pool i'd say. But something like community map voting is the ONLY WAY a veteran community like fearless could VANQUISH the RADICAL TYRANNY of rp_downtown

2008-era maps for a 2008 server is rather fitting imo

Can I get a +support

Its only an event server so, I mean why not could bring a bit more life/fun I don't really care about the map but as we wait for the MAIN server it could be fun to have at least some change every once in a while.

Map switching on gamemode such as ours isn't as trivial as it requires manual handling of files, certain changes within gamemode itself, things like forums & discord banners, build server sync and managing workshop content.

Much effort required
Map votes are already part of the plan, and are something we've done twice so far. We're going to continue to do them via forum votes rather than ingame, as this allows for more people to vote over a longer time period, especially since the votes aren't done too often in the first place. The October map swap to SanRanevo was based on a forum vote, while the November V4B1 swap was based on the survey results. We didn't do another vote for December, as we knew this month would be quieter, and the survey showed that they may not be desired too often (about once every month or two seems ideal). We haven't yet decided if we want to do one for January, but we'll probably have more on that soon. We're cautious about switching too often, as the survey showed that the vast majority do not believe changing map helps at all, and that it may harm things if done too often (as most dupes are map specific).

Current list of maps that we'll have in any future vote:

The reason for this selection is that they're all FL edits, which means they've been tailored made for the community, contain an event box for events, and are all setup since we've been on them all in the recent past. We already tried V2D, which had a negative impact due to how polarising it is, and as such we're unsure on if we want to try older maps again. We're also hesitant on adding new maps, since they would require setup/development work and it's questionable as to if they'll even be well received, especially if a lot of the community thinks the map doesn't really matter in the first place. If you think we should add any map(s) to our current list, let us know and we can consider it.

Fearless Management
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