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Destinyv2 and :)
Reported User(s): Destinyv2 and "Smile"

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:41739705

Date & Time (GMT): 15/12/24 @ 01:55 GMT

Summary of the incident
I was minding my own business when Destinyv2 came and cdmed me. He then dragged me into the lake to allegedly try to drown me, but did not work. He then messaged his friend to come over, he then proceeded to shoot me in the head. All this to get a worn kevlar vest and an AR.
As I am writing this Destiny came and started punching and killing me once again. Everything will be linked below

Steam ID for Destiny: STEAM_0:0:41739705
Steam ID for "Smile" :STEAM_0:1:156743535

The CDM:

The Execution:

As I'm writing the br:
Hi Emish

As this is clear CDM and RDM, both users have been blacklisted for one hour

Destiny v2 - 1 hour vehicles blacklist
:) - 1 hour Weapons blacklist
Kind Regards,

lord frost

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