Gamemode Give Veterans the permission to spawn banned props
Title of Suggestion: Give Veterans the permission to spawn banned props

I actually dont really see why there are even that many banned props on the server - if someone wants to propminge they will also do it with smaller props. But yeah lets get to the point: I think it would be great if Veterans were able to spawn banned props like Rocks or such. Veterans can be trusted with that in my opinion and they would be able to make RPs more interesting with the right props. 

Thank you

Veterans are trustworthy people
[Image: WbmV7IO.mp4]
The following 1 user Likes RoCKy's post:
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In my experience, not all Veterans are trustworthy. I had to remove a few veteran ranks off of people because they tarnished the rank through mingery and chaos. I won't name names though of course!
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
The following 1 user Likes Awestruck's post:
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(11-09-2024, 06:52 PM)RoCKy Wrote: Title of Suggestion: Give Veterans the permission to spawn banned props

I actually dont really see why there are even that many banned props on the server - if someone wants to propminge they will also do it with smaller props. But yeah lets get to the point: I think it would be great if Veterans were able to spawn banned props like Rocks or such. Veterans can be trusted with that in my opinion and they would be able to make RPs more interesting with the right props. 

Thank you

Veterans are trustworthy people
Plus support as a former veteran myself this issue resonates with me on a deep level. I know at some point down the line there will be bad apples that would potentially abuse them but a simple blacklist, ban or demotion from the rank would solve the issue. It also creates more opportunity for RP and certain scenarios so I don't see why not.
Gravbinw binloit bfeuon haka2 bíhoñv DIRECŤw o2579 veteŴfoñ únkon officer of house Tyre.
[Image: u75ejr.jpg]
The following 1 user Likes Boonan's post:
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Maybe not explosive props, but there are big props/effect props that are good for RP and veterans should be trusted with those. If someone abuses them, then they'll probably end up losing their veteran rank anyways.

Alternatively there could be something similar to the proplimit command that let's players spawn banned props with admin permission. Easier to moderate that way.
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]
The following 1 user Likes TheSiphon's post:
  • Boonan
Banned props are banned for a reason. They're not meant to be used, even by admins. Some props are hour restricted rather than banned completely, which would be what you're asking for. I think the hour restricted props system is on Events, you can always suggest props which would be better suited on that list rather than the banned one.

Fearless Management
The following 1 user Likes Pollux's post:
  • Atlas
Denied, they're banned props for a reason and if you think there are props that should be hour restricted instead, make a new suggestion please
Kind Regards,

lord frost

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