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FL Survey Results (June 2018) - Printable Version

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FL Survey Results (June 2018) - konsta - 06-17-2018

Hello, it has been 9 days since I've created the unofficial FL feedback survey in this thread
Before I'm going to share the results in this very thread, I would like to say a few words.
Yonno, I thank you for posting thread while I couldn't, while there were some issues regarding the forum rules, you managed to keep the thread up and of course giving me advices.
Grapefruit, thank you for testing the form before it was officially released.
Divey and Awestruck, I'm grateful and appreciate for your cooperation.

We have managed to get 51 responses in 9 days, not bad for an unofficial survey. We could have had more participators, but it's better than nothing.

There were some changes in the survey, due to some changes in the team. Pollux has been promoted to developer, which I'm very happy for him as he highly deserves it and I'm sure most people can agree with me. FL's couple, Lesanka and Avgar resigned from their position as Administrator and Developer. I have managed to screenshot the results and saved the
comments except for Pollux sadly, this was my first survey ever so I wasn't sure if the response gets deleted if the question gets deleted.
But what I do recall from reading your comments and I'm sure the SA read them as well before I deleted it, is that overall, Pollux when you were Contributor, 99% of the comments were all positive about you. You listen to the community, ask questions if there's something to improve in FL, and you're a very good contributor and some comments mentioned that you're better than most of the developers and needed a promotion.

EDITED: After some thoughts and reasoning and discussions, I have decided to remove Avgar and Lesanka's results considering they're no longer part of the staff team as they resigned quite early, a day after the survey was published.

Now for the results, I'll be putting the results into different parts in the comments below considering there's a limit per thread and it won't let me post the full thread. Remember that the survey was created under the concerns and complaining by the community members, this is nothing personal nor against anyone. FL staff members, teachers, contributors and developers, please do not be offended by such comments and data. I'm sure all of you were trained, prepared and experienced all of these especially as being part of a team of a major Gmod community.

Spoiler: Service satisfaction and activity results

[Image: VZ5I7Sv.png]
[Image: 1Mny4vG.png]
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[Image: ZuwOD6N.png]

Spoiler: Service satisfaction with the Staff team results
[Image: Dk5PRY8.png]

RE: FL Feedback results - konsta - 06-17-2018

Spoiler: Additional comments for the staff members

Spoiler: Divey

He's alright and takes his time to communicate with the community, it shows he cares.

Divey is not active much anymore and when ever he comes on all he does is spawn down 300props and lag the whole server

Great help and an interesting character.

From what i've seen he is a good admin, but haven't seen that much action.

I rarely spoke to divey, I cant even remember speaking to him. But he does his admin duties correctly in my opinion.

He does his job

Bit bull headed, but does good stuff 5/5

He does wonders for the community but sometimes is too defensive of his fellow staff team. Why i do understand this it doesnt help certain situations.


Divey is pretty inactive on the server, might join for a few hours but this is only once or twice a week, it would be good to see the Superadmins getting involved more in the community, and when he joins he doesnt speak to anyone, just goes and roleplays with other staff

Fair and unbiased SA, important for the community

Not seen often

Not happy with the SA Team at the moment but Divey has a lot of maturity!

Really contributing SA, and I love how transparent he is with regards to FL!

He is good

Helps the server a-lot

I believe he is quite biased when it comes to prioritizing what to deal with and what to ignore, which I find a rather ineffective trait for an SA

Imo I guess not really consistant and I don't agree with many of his views and ways he handles things. Doesn't seem very into the job anymore either.

He doesn't really give two shits about the community, he hardly ever replies to anything you send him, he's stubborn as fuck and won't listen to your opinion.


Stupid prick

I don't know him and have no reason to be satisfied with him/her

seems like he doesnt care about fl, or atleast really in denial about how the server really is. thinks everything is perfectly fine when it isnt.

Good super admin, always roleplaying however not putting enough of time into administrating on the server.

He's a good SA, passionate about roleplay, if he could come on more often, that would be great.

I don't know him so good

Divey is a nice guy with good intentions, however he can be very inactive and perhaps even show a slight amount of 'lack of care' for the community. He can also be a bit egotistical and he may find it difficult to change his opinion even if he may be wrong about something.

He is administrating Fearless very good! Sometimes he sounds like the Co-Owner Cheese
Not responsive, doesn't take an interesting in matters regarding members.

Spoiler: Awestruck

Backstaber Abusive thats what comes in mind when I heat that name

I have qualms about his honesty

Attitude towards certain things can seem questionable

Good admin, but had a bad situation with him

same as above, he does his admin duties correctly. very helpful too

He is shit he needs 2 resign

Does good stuff, but is shooting for admin on Arma 3 server 2/5

Does lots of stuff behind the scenes from what i know. Credit to the community.

good sa

Awestruck is a very good Superadmin, very active very friendly and actually speaks to us, the players, in-game

Good SA, mostly unbiased

Not seen often

Not Mature at all, I honestly look at him like a meme

First of all he is a good SA, but I like the way he interacts with the community Smile

Not active, not interactive with the community

Never on, all round just an awful apointment makes the most stupid decisions. Only thing he helps is the dev team

While its clear there are some waves of motivation and waves of no motivation at all, when he does pay attention to the server he seems to focus more on personal matters/friends than the administration.

Inactive, doesn't do what's needed nearly at all.

Super inactive, never on the servers, doesn't do anything for the communitity


He's not handling the forum related problems well, as well as it doesn't seem he's willing to help people he doesn't know

From what I've seen, he is a good leader for Fearless

I think that Awestruck can be a little unprofessional at times and is not greatly active on the main servers.

Should come on the server more than he does, apart from that, he's a good SA.

I don't know him so good

Awestruck is a funny guy, who knows how to administrate accordingly. However he is very inactive and also shows 'lack of care' for the community. He can also be a bit immature than how an SA should be.
I find him quite immature for his position, his actions show that he doesn't care.

Spoiler: DVN

Not active

Good staff member



Good admin

Good admin, recent level of inactivity 4/5

Horrific staff member, doesn't deserve the position and is very unprofessional

Never steps a foot wrong from what ive seen. Potential for SA i honestly believe, his bans are consistent and he isnt scared to tell other staff members theyre wrong.

no good

Out of all the admins, DVN is the most strict, very bad attitude to some people and overall doesnt seem to like his job, nor the community.

Long time admin, finds it hard to accept advice imo

He’s good admin but goes on power trip sometimes

Apart from the New Clan Guidelines, I usually agree with his opinions.

Quite professional and honest, but honestly sometims step off the high horse and interact with all of us Wink

Inactive but good and interactive

Don't like him personally don't enjoy his way of adminstarting.

I believe he has shown that he doesnt treat people as equals, find excuses to simply ban people rather than banning them educationally as a learning experience, feels as if he abuses his powers somewhat

Really doesn't do his job well and biased.

He's a great admin, is friendly in sits, can tell he actually cares about the communitiy.


I've heard some bad things about him, such as him avoiding punishing his friends.

choices made in the clan world that i dont think are the best

I think that DVN is a great admin, no question or other arguements to be made.

Inactive, lazy, rude, abusive, uncaring, should resign now. Doesn't care clearly, waste of team space.

I don't know him so good

DVN is another example of a non-biased, funny guy. However he is very inactive and is too aggressive with his punishments and is also fairly arrogant.
DVN is very harsh, too harsh and shuts down threads when no rules have been infringed.

Spoiler: Exotic

Very good admin that does his job and shown no signs of biasness whatsoever.

Cool dude VERY HELPFUL and friendly

Good staff member

Very good and very friendly staff member, who can do his job well and have fun at the same time

Exotic is a friendly and helpful admin, great at his job

Decent admin

Just got promoted to admin, too early to tell

He just does his job without problem, good staff.

very good admin

Exotic is a great Administrator, although he is new, he beats half the old staff by a mile

decent admin, not biased and responds usually to @ calls

Exotic is big man innit

Honestly Great down to earth guy, Hasn't done anything wrong

Active, friendly and interactive

Never seen him

As an admin I do spend time playing with, its clear that he doesnt leave all the duties of an admin behind just to play the game and actually tries to help people. He has the right attitude towards everyone and doesnt act irrationally or biased.

Chill, and is pretty fair. Too lenient sometimes though is all

Just a chill non power hungry admin, what FL needs. Helps players learn rules and enforces them.


Exotic is a very good admin

Cool name

Active, good staff member

I personally believe that Exotic is not the best admin.

Friendly and pro-active staff member. Should go far.

He is very friendly and good guy

Exotic is a very funny, genuine guy who knows how to administrate accordingly. However his knowledge of the rules can expand and he should take things a bit more seriously from time to time.
Fantastic activity, fantastic roleplayer and a very helpful person.

Spoiler: Joe Joe

Awfull administrator, extremely biased, childish, does not seem to be here to improve FL but rather is in it for the power.

Not so active doesnt accept others opinions

The handling of the Camorro-L7 drama

Good staff member. Funny Guy.

Helps but is bad at handeling some situations

Joe Joe is a great lad but is not always neutral with cases in my opinion, but he handles them very great

Shit admin

Would rather roleplay than administrate 2/5

I believe he's a good kid but terrible as an admin, I believe Forgee is influencing him for the worse. He's also unprofessional.

bias, never does sits more focused on roleplay. I also understand this but as a staff member you need to find the correct balance.


Joe Joe, perfect Admin, great lad and actually talks to the players and ROLEPLAYS with them

Seems biased, doesnt take advice and comes across as someone who finds himself + his rank more important as others

Good admin

With the new Clan Guidelines and how hes went about arguing with the community about them just get him out

Very helpful, and easy to talk with! Smile

Alright guy, loves to chat shit constantly. Very active at points

He has a very calm and professional attitude which makes for a very good admin, does his job well and is open to people in the community

Does his job rather well.

Poor quality admin sits, poor investigation skills, poor interaction with the community

Not smart in social environments

Active, good staff member

choices made in the clan world that i dont think r the best

He never responds to people asking for help, he is always in his own bubble.

Abusive, rude, uncaring. Should leave the team or at the very least, step down from Clan Officer. Disgrace to the team and clans/groups.

He rarely response for help not friendly guy

Joe Joe can be a nice guy when having a personal conversation with, but when it comes down to anything related to FL, his ego and arrogance makes him change completely as a person. He does not know the rules at all and fails to administrate accordingly.

Very good Administrator! Only good work i saw.
Active, helpful and very kind.

Spoiler: Forgee

Extremely awfull, one of the worst staff members in years, extremely childish, troll, abuses his way out of situations, how did this boy get promoted?

Selfish all he doesn is spawn in huge casinos that lag the entire server

Corruption and his attitude

Good staff member. Great guy.

Very boosted ego and is becoming more and more powerhungry

I didn not see a lot of Forgee in action as an admin

Shit admin

Not only the worst admin in the staff team and very unprofessional, but also very arrogant and selfish. He does not lead by example at all.

bias, never does sits more focused on roleplay. I also understand this but as a staff member you need to find the correct balance.


Forgee, New Administrator but takes the role on perfect, very good attitude compared to other staff

Decent admin

Okay admin

The biggest 2 faced member on the staff team, Honestly shocks me how he is an admin.

Unprofessional, arrogant and sets a bad example for other players Smile


I find that he doesnt quite take the server as seriously and is very indulged in his casino, and while he can do his job, he often chooses to not do so and instead drives personal grudges against people and starts picking out any little thing they do.

Doesn't do too many admin things honestly, isn't a good role model.

Poor quality admin sits, aggresive towards players: "Can you like stop fucking calling an admin when it was obviously and accident"

on the worst side of admins, never see him on or if he is on hell just go and RP or something, almost never replying to @ calls. and never see him doing any sort of admin work.

Active, good staff member

Good at his job, no other arguement.

Inactive, poor administration. Should leave now. Only cares about self-gain, not the community.

He is very helpfull and funny guy

Forgee may even be worse than Joe Joe, which says a lot. Again, he can be a nice guy, but his arrogance and egotistical behavior is beyond anything I have seen. He is extremely biased and I also believe he will even fail to name a rule from the top of his head.
Very kind and online almost every day.

Spoiler: Random

Really improved over the time, great administrator.

Cool and helpful dude
Good staff member.
Forgot how he administrates
Good admin
Very active on forums, polar opposite on servers, 3/5
Hes straight to the point no fucking about. Honest i like it.
Good Administrator with a very large amount of in-activity on the community, Random should get to know the players and play with us.
Long time admin, has a hard time accepting advice, other then that good admin
Good admin
Great Guy.
Friendly guy, but quite strange how he switeched between being fully serious and shitposting xD
Great admin when he is on but not sure of his activity
He has very unjust biased ways of dealing with certaing things that involve his close  friends, such as handing out very long punishments for things that werent rulebreakage, only to take it back.  He doesnt seem like he wants to help the server but rather help his friends/feel powerfull
Hypocritical and doesn't have good judgement. Biased.
I don't know him and have no reason to be satisfied with him/her
He is a very good admin although slightly inactive.
Very rude and sarcastic. Should tune it down and get on the server!
I don't know him so good
Random is similar to DVN that he is a nice guy to talk to, but he can also be biased at times and even be too aggressive with his punishments and he is also quite inactive.
Do not see him online, he seems immature at times but solves cases in the courthouse.

Spoiler: Eeee394

Not active
Good staff member. Good Teacher Liason.
Eeee is a great lad, and a great admin!
Active, but has forum name as [FL:RP] which is unprofessional and makes the team look bad 2/5
never seen him play in my 6 weeks back. On the forums he doesnt seem serious, therefore cant be taken serious.
Eeee, very inactive, in the server he doesnt play with any players, he just sits AFK or goes to sits
Nothing to note
Good admin
Never Active, Immature.
Totally fails to serve admin duties, and doesn't follow up on mistakes made by him. unprofessional and careless
No comment
He is not unfair when it comes to dealing with things and remains rather unaffected by what other people think
Does what he's supposed to mostly.
Have evidence of him being bias. Does nothing to support the servers, ever. Does not deserve admin, nevermind vetran.
Very inactive
Active, good staff member
Not very active and does nothing.
Great admin and teacher liaison. Just stay in the public eye.
I don't know him so good
I don't know very much about Eeee, however I don't think anyone does. He is extremely inactive and immature as an admin.
I have not seen him online for a while, inactive, helpful however.

Spoiler: TheSiphon

Havent seen him much around lately
Good staff member. Good Teacher liason.
TheSiphon is a great admin too, very mature and calm
Decent admin
Does okay. Reminds me of Spartanjunior. Just nothing special. 3/5
does his bits for the community.
Siphon, Great administrator, does a good job but people feel they cannot talk to him
Nothing to note
Excellent admin
Its awkward, I've just always had mixed feelings
No comment
Everytime he's on and I have any trouble/ anyone breaks a rule he is often one of the first to respond and he deals with the situations very sufficiently
Does his job mostly.
Did not deserve admin. No idea who he is still.
Nice admin, not bias, good sits, good activity.
semi-active, good staff member
Very active and does a lot of administrating!
Same as Eeee394.
He seems great guy and helpful.If he join on the server then he will server he is doing his job corectly
TheSiphon is a calm guy with good intentions, however his knowledge of the rules is very poor and he often fails to administrate accordingly.
Active and a fantastic member of the team.

Spoiler: Sparx

Funny helpful rewards players for good rps.Keep it up man

Good staff member, interesting RPs.

One of the good ones and very friendly

Sparx is Sparx, he's great at what he does, very friendly too

Decent admin

Not many experiences since your return. One sticks out which was you blocking off half of the city for an rp people werent allowed to join 2/5

decent staff

super good

Sparx, one of the best Administrators Fearless has and will always have, when Sparx left the team they were scared because Sparx lifts the whole team up

Nothing to note

Good admin nice dude

Amazing Guy, Always interacting with RP's.

Best admin when active great dealing with situations.

I think that he is very good at organizing the server and treating people in a way that makes them understand what they have done when they for example break a rule.

Honestly pretty good and lacks a bit in some ways. Kind of inconsistant and too passive.

Fantastic roleplays, good community interaction

He's a fucking asshole to be honest, he leaks personal stuff about other members and admins

Not as active anymore but an excellent staff member

Sparx is a great admin when he is online administrating, he seems to RP more than he administrates.

Great, friendly, caring admin. Should go far.

Funny guy,helpful with everything

Sparx is a very funny guy and a great roleplayer, however his knowledge of the rules is also quite poor and he can be arrogant at times.

Very good RP's organized in my experience and mainly a very helpful admin.
Fantastic team member always happy to help.

Spoiler: Tomo

Although he isnt so active I love that dude he is so helpful and kind to everyone
Good staff member. Helpful.
Is not on that much
I've spoken a few times with him on the server when he was a vet, he seemed then already that he was a great admin and he is!
Good admin
Good admin. Inactive 3/5
Knows what hes doing, shame hes busy with exams the server needs someone like him on daily.
supder good
Tomo, great Administrator but needs to get involved with the community more, roleplay with the players more and talk to us
Good admin, fair and is one of the few admins who stands out with the filosophy 'in service to the community'
Never seen much
Way too Immature, Hard to take serious.
Not a fan chats a-lot of shit all the time can be a good admin at points
He is very effective at what he does, he can get results and also deal with things very well, in my opinion, he possesses a lot of qualities that would be valuable to super admins
Should be SA. He's pretty darn good imo, is fair and does things for the community.
Admin that actually does something for the players, really chill. +rep
Not active but I have no idea about how good of an admin he/she is
Tomo is great at his jo, however very inactive.
Same as Sparx.
I don't know him so good
Tomo's knowledge of the rules is excellent and he can administrate perfectly. His inactivity is his only downfall as I believe if he was active, he could very easily get promoted to SA.
I have not seen him on the server for a while, he seems inactive, he concludes some cases however and seems immature at times.

Spoiler: Janzo

Just no so active lately
Good staff member.
Inactive, how he deals with some situations
don't know him that good, but he can do the admin job
Shit admin
No real comment. Nothing special 3/5
Good man but very unprofessional, still can't believe perqe got banned because of his mistake by creating a vote against him
shouldnt be staff, doesnt know whats hes doing. Asks players for judgements in a sit, changes punishments within the sit too many times. Needs reassuring of the rules. Had potential but blew it for me, nice guy bad staff member.
Janzo, great admin but pretty inactive
Nothing to note
Who’s that lol rarely see
Never active.
All round vagina
During his trial/shortly after, he was quite active and good at dealing with things, however as of late he seems to never do anything, not administrating nor managing events.
Don't know much at all about what he's done.
Poor admin sits, bad descision making, bad investigation skills.
Not active anymore but was a good staff member
He don't do much.
Is the Event Manager, makes no events or roleplay. Step down from it.
Seems very good guy
Janzo is another example as a nice guy with good intentions, however his knowledge of the rules is poor and he is very inactive. However, he can be a good roleplayer at times despite him wasting his role as event manager.
I have not seen him online for a very long time, inactive, has great potential and is very helpful.

Spoiler: RockDad69

Doesnt have a good knowledge of the rules.

Good staff member.

Nice guy, but doesn't understand some rules himself

rarely see him doing admin things

Shit admin worst staff member ever on fl

Mod so I dont care

dont know much but heard he cant be taken seriously, by the look at that AA hes going to be just using his power for his own benefit in the future. I might be wrong but just seems like that sort of person. I seen rickets get banned for flashing guns on main street so why shouldnt he.


Rockdad, Get Trial Admin, does a perfect job on and off the server

Havent seen him enough to make a fair judgement. Seems okay

Not seen as inactive

One of the best, Always active, Always interacting with RP's

No comment

He suits the role of administrator very well, he deals with sits calmly and asks for everyones point of view before drawing conclusions as well as making sure all the evidence is there. He properly makes the people he deals with understand what they have done to prevent this from happening again.

Rather fair.

Nice guy but does not deserve admin.not fit for the role.


I don't know him and have no reason to be satisfied with him/her

He is ok, not bad and not great.


One of the best trial admins he need to be admin for sure. Helpful,quick response (the most times)
Rockdad is a very lenient admin, who's knowledge of the rules is quite poor. He can be very toxic in the community, even to new-commers and I think he should be a teacher at most.

Spoiler: Willem de Walrus

Kind and helpful amazing knowledge of the rules

Very friendly and nice guy, and good staff member overall

I really hope he's getting promoted to admin, he handles thing great as a admin and is one of the friendliest lads on the server

Great staff

Mod so I dont care

Heard hes doing good, but cant give my opinion, going off what i have heard.

super good

Willem, Great Trial Administrator, shows the admins up with his roleplays and the way he talks to people. I with the older admins would watch him and copy what he does.

Fair trial admin, seems to care about the community more then his rank

Seen once is okay

Great Guy, Always Interacting with RP's

No comment

Willem, while very playful, shows that he understands what an admin needs to do, to involve people in the community and make sure people dont break rules by dealing with these situations, he also fits t he role very good.

Rather fair.

Really nice guy. Putting my friendship aside he treats everyone equally and if fair with his actions.

hes almost always on, always responding to @ calls, litterly just a good admin and should get off trial ASAP

Great admin

He's very kind

I don't know him and have no reason to be satisfied with him/her

He is good also.

Great TA and great guy. Should go far.

Great guy

Willem is a great and funny guy to talk to. His knowledge of the rules is brilliant and he is very active and thus administrates properly. He is also a very good roleplayer.
Fantastic and helpful member of the team, hopefully permanent soon.

Spoiler: Narcotic

Great trial admin, should be promoted to admin too!

Not bad

Mod so I dont care

dont know much.


Narcotic, Great TA, Sometimes looks as though he works harder than the admins

Not seen as inactive gcses

Mehh, Think there could be better TA's.

No comment

A bit too quick to punish but the Jan thing was good.

Please, please do not give him admin. he is not ready. He may be good but everyone can be an admin, he does not deserve the vet tag.

Great admin

Active, good staff member

Not very good, seems very power hungry and cocky.

Narcotic is quite arrogant and toxic in the community. His knowledge of the rules is very poor and he is often biased.

Spoiler: Captain Barry

Good staff

Mod so I dont care

same for willem heard hes doing good.

super good

Captain, A good TA but seems clueless sometimes, dragging people to sits when they haven't done anything wrong.

Seems a decent guy

Okay admin

Deserves Admin, Super Active.

No comment

Eh. Kind of speaks for itself.

I believe he backs up his friends rather than remain neutral as an admin

He is chill and a good TA.

Is OK.

He response quicly and helps to Player Reports but i gave him 4 because of my ban
Captain Barry is quite similar to Tomo. His knowledge of the rules is fantastic and not only can he administrate properly with a non-biased perspective, but he is also a great guy in general. It's a shame he isn't as active as he could be.

Spoiler: additional comments regarding the staff team

Get rid of the rotten apples and make sure you all get the right attitude.

Going back to the Moderator system

The corruption in the team, is coming back

Should look more on the forums especially in the courthouse and suggestions threads.

Stop promoting fucking nobheads. Promote people who play both Aggressive and Passive RP so they will never have bias opinions, Stop promoting gayboy only passive RP’ers that think they’re cool

Said it before and I will say it again. You guys are admins. Administrating should be first and roleplaying should be second. If you cant handle that, you should be a staff member

I think they need to be more consistent with the bans thats a big concern i have. Also, i feel like instead of banning the players straight off the bat educate them, warn them, if they then carry on then ban them. You're just banning them off one thing, if its a major thing then fair enough ban cya later. But just the little things you're taking too seriously because its a rule. If it was broken by accident then surely have mercy and give them a chance. I just dont understand why you feel the need to ban people after one thing i would understand if they did the same thing more than once if you get me?


SoulRipper should become more active on HIS COMMUNITY, What use is a Founder when he is not even online to talk to his players and the people who pay for his server, we get little or not thanks from the man himself for supporting the server. I think he needs to become more active before FL shits itself and closes down.

Pretty good admin team apart from the few rotten apples. Dont forget youre in the service of the community and not the other way around.

Most are good but let’s be real here there is shady shit going on but at the end of a day it’s a fucking gmod server I can understand

They need to mature up, FL in my eyes is just a meme now and cannot be taken seriously. Its okay to have fun but you need to show an image.

Some are shit some are good. Need more activity

Let the clan war happen.

Some are

they all need to be more active and helpful. half of them dont even talk to anyone.

A lot

Would like to see a constant expansion with the aim of having at least 1 staff member able to join the servers at any one time



RE: FL Feedback results - konsta - 06-17-2018

Spoiler: Service satisfaction with the development team results
[Image: DMIXNya.png]
Considering Pollux has been promoted from Contributor to Developer, I added his contributor data to the development results.
[Image: hbujODW.png]

Spoiler: additional comments for the developers

Spoiler: Awestruck
Hasnt done shit
Haven’t seen any recent updates from him
Doesn't do much
Hes once again shit
does nothing
I dont know what goes on behind closed doors. But heard he does alot.
Seems very inacitve within the development of Fearless
Wait, he’s a developer?
Have not seen him on the Changelogs in a while
Not sure of his activity heard he does good things with them at points
I love Pollux yes
Good just I feel he is not using his power to full potential
Doesn't really develop much does he
Haven't seen anything coming from awe
I think he's a good leader of the team
Awestruck is doing a great job of leading the development team, seems to be active in this area.
Read previous Awestruck answer.
I just don't like him
I am unsure how good Awestruck is as a developer, but I do know that most of his choices in management and development may even lead to the death of FL or at least kill it a lot.

Spoiler: Broccoli
Havent seen much from him

Almost haven't seen him do anything

Hes a good developer


Inactive, sits and let everyone do the work for him

Didn’t do much at first doing quite a lot now

One of the only active devs

Heard he does quite a bit for the dev team not a fan of him personally

Good dev

Not very active at all, but some nice updates.

Don't know him/her

Don't see him doing too much but he is good when he does do stuff.

Seems inactive. Stop playing WoW, or if you are disinterested, resign.

Is he still on the server?
Broccoli is very egotistical and I believe his development is not for FL's benefit, similar to Awestruck.

Spoiler: DarkN00b
Hasnt done much lately

Very inactive

Don't see him at all and

Hes not bad


Don't even know the developer

Who’s dat never seen in game but good frv

Forgot he was even a Dev

Never see him

Does nothing atm

Who?????/ activity = 0

Don't know him/her

Who is this? Never ever ever see him online on the forums, in game, on the changelog or on discord.

Does nothing. Make up your mind.

Who is he?
Who? On a serious note though, I am surprised he is even staff. His inactivity is beyond extreme.

Spoiler: James
Amazing developing skills

The most active dev at the moment

Absolute minge, how the fuck is he a dev.

Shit i cant say, he does alot of updates and has done much for the community but the negative things i have, i would have to sit in a channel with Soul, Awes and divey that simple.


Best Developer I've seen on FL, works his arse off and continues to improve Fearless

Excellent developer very active

Pushes updates now and then too, only other active dev.

Most active geezer in the dev team seems like he really wants too push out updates

Really good dev but if he was not a dev he would be banned by now

nice updates, like really nice uodates

Don't know him/her

James has probably done the most out of all of the development team, he is doing a great job.

Great guy, work at your own pace.

James is the nicest developer, and listens to the community. However he can be quite egotistical and is known to break many rules during his time on the server.

Spoiler: Pollux
No responses.

Like I mentioned before, Pollux I'm deeply sorry for not able to save your comments when you were contributor, it is my greatest mistake that makes me sad and I deeply regret of not saving your comments in case of emergency when I tried to make some changes when you just got promoted to developer. But what I recall pretty much every comment I've seen were all positive except for some troll comments, you had around 26 to 30 something comments and I know the feeling of curiosity and basic human needs to know what exactly did the people comment on you especially when they're all positive. The comments were saying how they love that you listen to the community, ask questions to improve anything, helpful, friendly guy... etc... basically you're a man of the community and for the community, and my advice from me to you Pollux, is to keep up being like this otherwise you want to disappoint everyone and make everyone regret their comments on you. You deserve developer role and I know for a fact that everyone are happy for you that you have been promoted, we all appreciate your contribution and contents to FL.

I hope there will be people commenting this thread what they wrote about you, I personally wrote that you're the best contributor in the team that actually cares for the community and listen, and needed to get promoted to developer as soon as possible as you deserve it.

Spoiler: additional comments regarding the development team
Promote Pollux to developer we need him
More interaction with the AggRP community
Fix the gamemode
They’re overall pretty shit
Development is fine
Promote Pollux and Arny. Mostly Pollux, dude is the only one with motivation to save Fearless just look at the changelog he is the only one who actually cares.
I really love how much Pollux and James have contributed lately! Huge respect! - And thanks to Avgar for saving FL here and there when everything crashes and nobody knows why Wink
James needs other people with him to create stuff
Focus on players not updates l, as in increase the players base. Give a reason for old plates to play again
most of them are super inactive or just dont do anything
They're doing a fine job
I hope, with Pollux's help, development will speed up
put more work into optimizing the gamemode instead of adding things. gamemode used to run better on a much worse computer than i have now back in 2012 than it runs now on my current, highend pc
Add Pollux to the poll as Developer!

RE: FL Feedback results - konsta - 06-17-2018

Spoiler: Service satisfaction with the contributor team results
[Image: vmqqvoy.png]

Spoiler: additional comments for the contributors

Spoiler: Aektek
No idea who he even is hasnt dont anything lately
Haven’t seen him online ever
Never seen him
never seen him create something/help the dev team
Who the fuck is this guy
Inactive, who?
Inactive, useless. Has made nothing for Fearless
Doesn’t do much I don’t think
Never heard of him
Don't know them
Tho is this guy
who? inactive as fuck
Is a rulebreaker
I don't know him/her
Huh? When has he done anything?
Meh. Just do your job.
Who is he?
He should not be contributor. Very inactive and has not done any decent work at all.

Spoiler: Arny
I cant really tell yet the man just go the role

He just became contributor, I’m neutral

Is active at the moment

I think he will become a great developer

Shouldve stayed teacher

Inactive, who?


Inactive, doesn't do anything big on the community

Just joined can’t judge yet


Don't know them

Seen nothing yet he is new tho

A good contributer

I don't know him/her

Has done more in less than a week than some of these contributors have done in there whole time as this role, doing a great job however, recently joined the team so I can't say much.

Great guy, seen his stuff personally, should be Dev soon.

emm i don't know him so well
Arny is a nice member of the community who tries his best to implement suggestions. He can be arrogant at times.

Spoiler: Atlas
Capable of a lot just hasnt done anything yet
Extremely inactive
Never seen him
never seen something from him
WHo the fuck is this
Inactive, who?
Pretty useless, does nothing
Currently inactive
Never heard of him
Don't know them
Does nothing anymore good moddler tho
who? inactive as fuck
Haven't seen anything from him
I don't know him/her
Never seen him do anything, simply.
Seems to do nothing. Make up your mind.
who is this guy?
He should not be contributor. Very inactive and has not done any decent work at all.

Spoiler: Moxew
No idea who hhe is rly

Never seen him

same as above

Wtf who is this

Inactive, who?


Don't even know this one, seems inactive

Just joined can’t judge

Did not even know he was a contributor

Don't know them

Does nothing

Haven't seen anything from him

I don't know him/her

Never seen him do anything.

Hasn't done anything yet. So automatic 1.

i don't know him
Moxew is a nice guy, but very inactive and has failed to do any decent work.

Spoiler: Weecow
Idk who the man is

Never seen him more than not seeing anyone else


Used to be decent now shit

Forgot he was contributor LUL


needs to go does fuck all


Inactive, never seen this person in my 4 years of playing FL

Make him user already you can see on the forums he’s not active

Hasnt been active in months

Don't know them

Does nothing

who? inactive as fuck

Haven't seen anything from him

I don't know him/her

Disgraceful, does he even know he is contributor? Last active on forums at Saturday, March 3rd, 2018, 18:31.

Should of been demoted by now. Has done nothing for months on end nor has he logged in for 3 months. Please boot him.

who is he?
He should not be contributor. Very inactive and has not done any decent work at all.

Spoiler: additional comments regarding the contributor team
Just keep up the good work pollux
Do more about aggressive rp
Some need to be more active, I know personal lifes come first but lately I've only seen Pollux very active
Overall shit
Development is fine
clean it out of all the useless ones.
make me
Promote my dude Pollux
Promote Pollux
I really love how much Pollux and James have contributed lately! Huge respect! - And thanks to Avgar for saving FL here and there when everything crashes and nobody knows why Wink
Don't know them
get more and make fearless great agian
hardly heard of any of them. says it all really
I don't really see them doing much apart from Pollux
Get rid of the useless people in here that fill up space.
Boot Weecow please.

RE: FL Feedback results - konsta - 06-17-2018

Spoiler: Satisfaction with the teacher team results
[Image: B5nZxTz.png]

Spoiler: additional comments for the teachers

Spoiler: Wolven
He has good roleplay skills just not so active lately
Great guy, but stopped being active
friendly and helpful, the standards a teacher should be
Good teacher good rp’er should get staff
Very disrespectful person off the community, If I sent screenshots to the SA's Wolven would loose his Teacher role and that is a fact. Very immature and disrespect person, if anything he makes people leave FL not join. Bad person for the role
Very Immature and Mingy.
All round vagina how he got Teacher is beyond me knowing how toxic he used to be
They're basically all the same person
Nic to see him get teacher
Not teach material, lots more aggressive than I would expect of a teacher
very immature and literally only in it for the rpp.
He is good at his job and kind, no questions asked. Slightly inactive.
Great Teacher material. Should go far.
very good guy,4 because noone is perfect
Wolven is a great guy that roleplays well in both passive and aggressive. However, he has been fairly inactive recently and is known to be slightly egotistical.
Active and fantastic, always helpful.

Spoiler: Panda
Not active.

Stopped being active

Panda has a lot of knowledge about the server which makes him very helpful

Good teacher good rper should get staff

knows his shit and is very welcoming


Amazing Teacher, always does a great job

Gave 3 as I have no Opinion

Another toxic vagina. Not sure if they accuatly know what a teacher is meant too do but they're meant to help people not be completley toxic too everyone community memeber

Nice guy just a causal player imo

Not very active, don't know him very well

He is great at his job and has helped me numerous times and very kind, however, also slightly inactive.

Sort of inactive. OK though.

i don't know him so well

Panda is very inactive, fails to fulfill his role as teacher and is known to be toxic and arrogant.
Active sometimes, helpful sometimes.

Spoiler: Chumps
Amazing roleplay skills always active.

Friendly guy, but isn't seen that much on the server

Seems like a great person but haven't seen him doing something. I'm not saying he's bad but I haven't seen how he is

Who the fuck even is this


Amazing Teacher, always does a great job

Gave 3 as I have no Opinion

Never heard of him

He's good though.

Who is this guy, don't give him TA

Not gonna lie, didn't know he was a teacher and I don't think I've seen him on the server often if at all

Very approacable person, active, doing a great job!

Makes good RP. Still new.

i don't know him so well

Chumps is also a great roleplayer who also tries his best to help everyone he can. However, his knowledge of the rules can be expanded and he should be more active.
Active and helpful.

Spoiler: JohnSilver
Not active.


Teacher for a long time, and been doing great

If there was rank ''head-teacher'' He should be it in my opinion

Inactive but if he could spell properly he should get staff


Amazing Teacher, always does a great job

Not Active

Best teacher, by far when he is active he is great. Really helpful etc.



Good guy but not as active as he was.

I can't read his help call answers, but he is trying his best!

Dedicated, although, I don't see him going anywhere else.

Helpful and funny guy

John is not only the best teacher, but arguably one of the nicest community members in FL and always does his job as teacher when he is on the server. It's a shame he isn't active recently though.
Inactive, should give up his post as he doesn't bring any benefits to the team at the current moment.

COOL dude good roleplays.


Isn't that active

Seems like a great person but haven't seen him doing something. I'm not saying he's bad but I haven't seen how he is

Who the fck is this guy how is he teacher


Amazing Teacher, always does a great job, could be more active

Gave 3 as I have no Opinion

Not sure never on when he is

Doesn't play anymore

Not very active, don't know him

Doesn't really answer help calls when I send them out.


i don't know him so well
Vegas is a very unprofessional teacher who's knowledge of the rules are disgraceful, however he can be a good roleplay roleplayer.

Spoiler: additional comments regarding the teacher team
Reward people more with rpp when they deserve it.
There aren't really any rotten eggs here, just the activity should go up
keep up the good work
Teacher team is a shambles
Teacher is a stupid rank that is not needed
Shit Rank, Remove it.
Useless rank imo however good rank if you don't want to give them TA
They're good teachers
There are inactive people within the team.


RE: FL Feedback results - konsta - 06-17-2018

Spoiler: Opinion on the teacher rank
[Image: ODs8A2n.png]

Spoiler: Why did people choose their answer regarding the teacher rank
Admins have too much work to also deal with people not knowing how to rp we need the teachers
It's good, if a teacher can become a trial admin, but staff members can answer questions themselfs, however the teacher team is usually more on the servers than the staff
Yes all community members can answer a question regarding the server but those specific persons have probably more knowledge, otherwise they wouldn't be teachers
Because they can give roleplay points and staff never do that anymore
Was against it from the beginning and always will. You dont need a rank to help people.
causes more problems with people begging to become one than the actual point of the rank if people want help the can ask ooc which a lot do anyway and if these people are great roleplayers they can just roleplay, they don't require a rank to do so.
Because if someone needs help they have someone to go to, its not the most needed thing on the planet but it being there creates no harm, but removing it could. If it works why remove it? just leave it.
The teacher team has plenty of good stuff to bring to the community, just needs lower standards and more teachers. Yet another rank where people need to be 'exceptional'.
Waste of Space and is just a gateway to admin.
They don't help people just sit on there asses all day.
It helps new people understand things and serve as role models, as well as rewarding roleplay that is recognized and well recieved.
Because it's a good way to award effort put into FL
Not that I don't care, reaosns already stated
Teacher is a gateway to admin, it should not exist.
anyone can help like, you just ask in ooc and someone will help most times, who uses /help???
They help new and old players
I'm an experienced member and have rarely used the teachers, not sure how helpful they are to me but I'm sure they help a lot of new people
Doesn't make a difference on if it's there or not really. The community does exactly the same thing as a teacher does, answer questions. Rarely see teachers going that extra mile to help with RP
They provide nothing of value, and do nothing related to their positions that a normal player could not do.
It is a person for young roleplayers to look up to and they are always available to ask questions.
As it helps FL's players with questions and helps quickly and efficiently.
Because Fearless needs some players which have a great knowledge about everything on FL (rules, RP etc.) and they will help newcomers for example or everyone else.
Helping new players.

RE: FL Feedback results - konsta - 06-17-2018

Spoiler: Service satisfaction with Admins sub role results
[Image: EnSTKX1.png]

Spoiler: Service satisfaction with the Teacher Liason results
[Image: 5qxmIOG.png]

Spoiler: additional comments for the Teacher Liason

Spoiler: Eeee394
Hasnt done much lately .
Will both give them good numbers, since haven't chosen any bad people for the role
Both need to advertise te role more
Has someone personally against me, I make great applications and the only person to deny it would be Eeee, very immature and unprofessional
Not Active
Never heard of him didn't even know he was teacher liason
Useless admin, people like him who do not deserve vet tags
I guess they're doing their job idk
Don't see him doing much with the team.
i don't know
Reasons stated in my original opinion of Eeee.
Inactive, most of the time.

Spoiler: TheSiphon
Hasnt done much lately
Will both give them good numbers, since haven't chosen any bad people for the role
Both need to advertise the role more
Hes alright
Bad Decisions
Heard he makes some good and shit promotions at points.
Siphon seems to be doing all of the work, from what I have seen he is doing a great job!
i don't know
Reasons stated in my original opinion of TheSiphon.

Spoiler: additional comments regarding the Teacher Liason

Get a little bit more personal, i've seen a lot of comments that are literally copy-pasted and changed a little bit to the person. Sparx was personal and wrote them every time, not copying


Easy rank that doesnt hold any significance.

I think it shouldnt be as easy as it is to get it. I also, dont like the fact you have to passive lots to get it, be seen as a pasive player in most of the cases. Im an aggressive player but when i passive i passive bettter than most of the passive roleplayers.



Easy job

2 active teacher liaisons, would rather someone replace Eeee394.

[spoiler=Service satisfaction with the Clan Officers results]
[Image: qZjV05V.png]

Spoiler: additional comments for the Clan Officers

Spoiler: DVN
Creating loopholes to favor people. Disgusting
Don't know much what has he done, be isn't a bad guy
Good officer
too passive to have this position.
No comment
Has done good things in past
Reasoning for both, there recent update is complete bullshit and they know it, it is too protect Lucky 7 from going to war with Cammoro. They're awful trying to fix stuff that doesn't need fixing.
Got clan experience agg and pas, he sees a set of both worlds
He is doing good as clan officer, making mature decisions.
i don't know him so well
Reasons stated in my original opinion of DVN.

Spoiler: Joe Joe
Creating loopholes to favor people. Disgusting

I have doubts regarding his objectivity

Forgee's Bitch

Shit admin shit officer

too aggressive to have this position.

Literally changed the clan guidelines for the advantage of Lucky 7, horrible clan officer

fuck the shitty clan rules


Great at his Clan Officer Role

Seems biased.

Joe joes a good admin but even tho I ain’t involved that lucky 7 beef and curving of the rules was bullshit

Trash. New Guidelines are ruining FL

Same ^^^

Bias and does not see what others see

Extremely bias and abuses his power.

Is not handling situation well at all

Not making the smartest of moves.

i don't like him
Reasons stated in my original opinion of Joe Joe.

Spoiler: additional comments regarding the Clan Officers

Demote them both they are useless

Shouldn't be Bias

Overall shit bcus joe joe

Clan officers should not be allowed to be in clans. If they cant handle that. The SAs can handle this position fine without much more work. Just make it were admins make suggestions to which clans should be made official like it was before.

Remove Joe Joe from that role, he's manipulating the system to Lucky 7's advantage, he's a puppet to Forgee


Let the war happen, this will bring players back

Making horrible choices for the clan world. Not good with analyzing the current clan situation, as the choices they make do not reflect what they want, and the choices also stir up a lot of drama.

Spoiler: Service satisfaction with the Event Manger results
[Image: qv7dCG8.png]

Spoiler: additional comments for the Event Manger

Spoiler: Janzo
He never does or supports any events, get rid of him as event manager...
He just does a great job
Don't know much what has he done
I barely look at events so I cannot judge about that
There is literally NO EVENTS, What the fuck? Why isnt he organising shit?
What events?
Always making great events for everyone to enjoy
Events don’t seem to happen much and don’t see Him on
Hasnt been an Event in months and he is not active in the slightest.
Never does them.
While Jonas was very good at planning in events and executing them, Janzo feels like he isnt nearly as active and there is a lot less life as result, if he planned more thngs it would be better.
Ik him irl
No events
Not doing a lot.
i haven't been to an event
Reasons stated in my original opinion of Janzo.
No motivations to make events.

Spoiler: additonal comments regarding the Event Manager
We need more events
He’s good but maybe could help with Passive Nights
Give somebody else it
There was an event planner? LUL
no events, no need for the role
Don't really remember the last time he did anything for the event side of things

RE: FL Feedback results - konsta - 06-17-2018

Spoiler: Opinion on the Admin sub roles
[Image: 3Th9MzV.png]

Spoiler: Why did people choose their answer regarding the Admin sub role
Because they are useful. However,only when the right people have those roles
There is a structure which is good
Sub Roles are good as it makes the staff team feel more involved with specific things and also makes it easier for SAs
good idea just need to find people better suited.
It gives administrators different roles, prevents no one doing a job or people doing the same job. People get experienced by fulfillig the same role for a while.
I think Teacher and Clan ones should stay but not Event.
Cause I don't care
Splitting up the roles for admins so people can specialise is good as it allows more attention to seperate subjects.
Dunno what it is
It's something that should be decided between the staff
Good organisation is key to keeping things running well. Making sure people know their roles and responsibilities is an important part of this.
Just a good idea.
Teacher Liaison team is great. Clan Officer & Event Manager teams should be changed with new staff in those positions.
it's useful
The sub-roles is a great way for things to be managed properly in FL both for events, and IC/OOC clan matters. It's a shame that these roles have gone to waste.

RE: FL Feedback results - konsta - 06-17-2018

Spoiler: Player recommendations of promotion to staff

From TA to Admin, Willem, Captain Barry and RockDad are great.
No comment.

Genera Rickets to SA.The man can stand up for himself.I like Divey but he is too quite and shy.Plus Willem to full admin role.

aDisabledDeer xd - been here since 2011, he rarely comes on now because the RP is non-existant and the servers are rarely full. Why? He's well known, easy to get along with, and knows how to defuse a situation without using admin powers.

Jan and Weezy, both are very active and friendly

Grapefruit, since he is active, plays a lot of fl and knows the rules. sebasti161, why not

LordOfMemory, he's been teacher before, has a lot of knowledge I think and is very calm too.

Create, He's very helpful, Friendly too and knows the rules.

Wolven, Would be a great staff. Panda would be a great staff. JackZ is pretty cocky overall but i can tell due to his personality he would be a good admin. Decay would be a great staff. CorieTheNub would be a great staff. Create would also be a good moderator.

Fultz (myself) would make the best staff member because I am fair, going to solely administrate, and will clean up this team for you.

Also I think you should give Wolven a chance. I think he will prove any naysayers wrong.

Yo mamma

General Rickets, Ghostkiller, Fultz, Willem and Captain Barry promoted from TA to admin


dont know havent played


No Comment

Not enough data for this

Pollux, Jan, Willem de Walrus, Captain Barry, Rockdad and because they are all active and want the best for FL.

Archer - but now he left, maybe Wolven, Santaliz, Create or Weezy.. they all are friendly and helpful + active on forums

Seriously not sure.
Out of the trial admins, I believe RockDad and Willem should be promoted as they both are very good at their job as trial admins.

Willem and Rockdad are both level-headed and unbiased

In all seriousness, ghostk1ll3r. His history needs to be forgetten. Ik you SA's know him irl or are good friends. If you I guess give him a chance, fl would b a better place. Not being funny but anyone can be a admin. Even someone like Dobby could be lmao. These people are portrayed as minges, but are actually nice and put their time into this game. Even someone like geapefruit or arny. They don't stand out in the shadows but are good guys

Pollux - extremely neutral with the community, I don't think anybody dislikes him. He knows his rules, and knows rules when coming down to aggresive RP. I feel like some admins don't really know agg RP rules in deapth, but Pollux does.

id say Grapefruit but, hed turn into a nob like the rest of em

I think this choice is best left to the staff as they have a clearer, less bias view of the server and it's members

There is a lot of people that should be in the staff team instead of some of the muppets that are in it at the minute. I believe Envy should be a new trial admin. Although he is not very active, but neither is most of the staff team. I also believe that Chumps should be promoted to trial admin, why? Because he is very active on the server and is very kind and approachable and always helps me when I need help. Another person that I believe that should be promoted to trial admin is Panda, he seems to do his job correctly and is kind. He seems to have been a teacher for a while.

Eclipze - Is a friendly guy, knows his rules and whatnot. Could be more active.

Falc - A really want to see this guy in the team again. Sure, he messed up last time, but he can really pull it off if he wants to.

FlexibleBread45 - Great, friendly member. Should be worth considering.

I believe Ghostkiller, Grapefruit, and General Rickets are best suited to be promoted.

Jessixa - I saw her organizing many good Roleplays and she also got many RPP for that. I guess she is enjoying playing on FL and really would appreciate it. She acts like that she is in love with Fearless. Thats why i think that she could be promoted.

Create, Kawaii, both are very active and experienced in the rules, it is important to have a diverse group of people in control.

Spoiler: Player recommendations of promotion to teacher


No comment.

People like GHOSTK1LL3R need to be teachers.An other player that caught my eye recently was also Dimitris I have seen a big change in his attitude and believe he would suit for the position.

Huskii - same reason as above but not that many hours

Eclipze and Skurkas

Grape if not staff then teacher

Create, he's been it before, sadly he resigned. But you can see sometimes he is still helping people.

Create if he wanted it

who cares

Yo mamma

noone cause it shouldnt exist

dont know havent played


Myself, I've provided 2 GREAT applications which have been denied for the smallest of reasons.

People active on the forums. A few people are openly speaking out to the admin team on a positive, constructive way. Try to get these people to work with you.

JackZ, Envy. Active and Seem to know what they are doing.I cant really think of any other members at the moment.

Archer - but now he left, maybe Wolven, Santaliz, Create or Weezy.. they all are friendly and helpful + active on forums


While i havent thought much about them, the ones im thinking of now are people who show lots of activity and constant good roleplay, also good knowledge with the rules.
While he has been quite inactive until recently, Grapefruit fits these traits. He would be a good role model for new players and he has a good understanding of roleplay.

Another one is Shurkas Lurkas, he is very often helping new people adapt to the server and letting people into his roleplays, as well as having a great understanding of the rules. He is also actively helping people on other platforms like discord and the forums, like posting for people who are unable to do so.

Finally Jessixa is very good at roleplaying and would be a good person for people to follow. She understands the rules and often involves people in her roleplays.

Skurkas honestly. He's quite active mostly and can help new people out and actually not be shitposty sometimes

People who you don't want to be vets

I don't belive the in teacher rank.

I think this choice is best left to the staff as they have a clearer, less bias view of the server and it's members

Don't know who has applied.

FlexibleBread45 - Great, friendly member. Has many hours and knows his stuff.
mintblackbeard - Is semi-active. Knows his stuff and was Teacher for ages before.


(not sure) Fudge - He is acting like a really good and loyal Fearless Member. He is just trying to have fun on FL but always keeps on the rules. He has a really good knowledge of the rules in my experience. Fudge might be a criminal RP freak but i think he could administrate too.
At the moment, skrukas.

RE: FL Feedback results - konsta - 06-17-2018

Spoiler: Additional comment for FL, suggestions and concerns

Fix your staff team

Everything needs to change.

Demote the corrupted fl staff members.Bring back the old ones Infernaw,Spear,Agorith.Save FL demote the ginger.

Bring back V2D and I assure you that the old community will come flooding back


Fix agg rp and try to make it a new player friendly game.

I noticed it recently that you can't do small RPs like a crime scene or like a crash in the middle of the road where you need to block off the entire road.

A lot of players get triggered or just completely ignore stop signs or ''do not cross'' signs, they just drive on run straight through it. At those same moments it seems like players just look for a thing that can get you punished; ''You can't block off the road!!!!'' Yes I and others know, but it's just a few minutes, don't try to ruin the RP because you want to get to your contra farm at villa's.

I said this too on the DC server and Captain Barry said this: ''lack of interest in the smaller RP's has always been an issue. Mostly because they have a lower chance of getting RPPs than larger RP's''. And that concerns me, because I dont think it's about the size of a RP but rather the effort and how good your RP skills are. Otherwise why should we put effort in those small RPs if admins wont even look at them?

Stop promoting dickheads

I have made numerous suggestions through the past couple threads of people bitching about FL. I would have to look through them if I would really want to put them here so I wont.


Said pretty much everything on the forums and to certain people.


No comment

FL will survive this.

Needs something fresh. Hate to compare but LimeLight is far superior in terms of server evolution and transparency. Clan models, bigger & more impactful updates, clarity regarding donations. Crackdown on trolls + people making community toxic. Encouragement for user led events as well as events organised by staff. I feel, personally, very little incentive to play on the servers nowadays.

Honestly once the staff team is dealt with FL will grow again.

I think the development team should remember not to focus on all these quote, useful but not necessary suggestions, and focus on the major ones instead - they are doing great now, but just a reminder I suppose, lol.. Also I think Pines is a GREAT addition to Fearless!! Cheese

We need a seriously overall look at the staff team at this current point.

Focus on old players returning

Punishments, they need to stop banning loyal players for long lengths of time. Loyalty should be rewarded, and the usual "should know better" or any bans longer than usual should be removed.

Pines? ffs. Bye Bye Agressive.

Criminal RP is more like TDM for the most part, would love for there to be more focus on developing a proper criminal system which promotes roleplay

The server is dying, and the complete denial from the staff team and some of the players is going to finish it off. The gamemode runs like garbage, and updates just add more content that makes the server more unstable and unplayable. There needs to be an overhaul of the gamemode made, or else the server will be killed off within a few years. Staff team also needs to get their shit together, because it's obvious that they are terrible at listening to players' concerns, or just don't care enough to make any differences. Also, SoulRipper is horrible for the server, and the quicker he is booted from having power over the server, the quicker it can recover. His lack of doing anything other than collecting money and stepping in when someone does something that insults him is ruining the server, slowing down progress, and is probably tearing the staff team apart



FL needs to listen to the community, the people that are the biggest driving force behind the server. Aggressive RP needs to be prioritized. Suggestion guidelines should be taken down. People should be able to make Trial Admin applications as many other people may deserve think they deserve the position however never get the chance by Divey or Awestruck. Fix staff with opinions in mind stated above and make an obvious and strict guidelines for all staff and rules; no more unwritten rule bullshit - you either should or should not be allowed to do something.

Spoiler: Overall comments on FL

Fix your staff team

Get rid of pines, all the admins who voted for it shouldnt be allowed admin. FL is going downhill.

Shame it came to this such a great server.Just demote the current staff members go back to V2D and everything will get better.

Don't let this server die. I used to play this constantly, and I want to get back into it, but it's hard atm because of the lack of players

Slowly dying

good with bad elements

Great community 8/10 server great too, should get a better host 7,5/10

Amazing server to play its fun and will always be but the staff team are the root of the problem

This is Fultz btw


I hope FL starts to pull their shit together

Said pretty much everything on the forums and to certain people.


FL is a dying community and unless the team picks themselfs and the community up, we will die.

Committed expansion to a new game or game mode. Could still have RP focus, but for FL to survive as a community it must adapt beyond GMod.

Okay but on big decline


It’s a lot worse in its modern form compared to 2015/16

The server is gonna die if we don't help. Please just listen to us.

I believe the server isnt dying, its just in a place where a lot of its members are, while enjoying it, dissatisfied with the staff team and performance of the server.
I think Pines is the right choice as it will breath som fresh air into the server and hopefully make people see that nothing ends just because people disagree.

One of the most biased staff teams ever but. Nice.

Player base is dropping, do a ban wipe.

Fuck Pines.

Focus on performance and reliability as well as improving roleplay

The current staff team seems good and I'm glad it is continuing to expand.


From - Lewwings (y not?)

The server needs trial admins/admins that help a lot without being afk all the time and they need to be on the server more often.I know that they have personal life but why did the choose to be admins? only for the fame?

Please make car update guys, love u all