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PR: MichaelE,Cotoye Peterson and Hazzahn - Printable Version

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PR: MichaelE,Cotoye Peterson and Hazzahn - Methodize - 05-24-2018

Name of player: MichaelE, Coyota Peterson and Hazzahn



Time in GMT: GMT+2 (21:55-21:59)

Date: 22 May 2018

Server: v5p

Summary: Teamkill,at first officers and president harrased people they encountered, then officer Coyote Peterson came to me and demanded bowing to Hazzahn (President), when I said I can't hear Hazzahn said bow, I refused to bow him, then he said bow or die...I told them they can't kill their colleagues. They didn't care and both officers pointed weapon at me and killed me... President gave them order to kill me. 


BTW: I've created new account because I can't reset password of my account Dr.Methodize,my apologise

RE: PR: MichaelE,Cotoye Peterson and Hazzahn - Captain Barry - 05-24-2018

MichaelE, Coyote Peterson and Hazzahn have already been punished for this, see previous reports.

Thank you for your report.

RE: PR: MichaelE,Cotoye Peterson and Hazzahn - Tomo - 05-26-2018
