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BR: Chrille - Printable Version

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BR: Chrille - Jonas - 08-28-2016

Name of player: Chrille

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:57570458

Time in GMT: 12:58 pm.

Server: V4B1

Summary: He was saying "suck my d***" to  someone on the grounds of rdm, and had walls higher than 4phx units.


Spoiler: Walls higher than 4PHX units

[spoiler=Saying Suck my D***][Image: MnSMaMe.jpg][/spoiler]

RE: BR: Chrille - Ghost - 08-28-2016

After looking at the screenshot the walls are above 4phx so he will receive a pte blacklist.
As for the 'suck my dick' and caps in OOC he will be issued a blacklist from OOC.