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PR:Sander2409 - Printable Version

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PR:Sander2409 - [FL:RP]Zedd - 08-22-2016

Name of player: Sander2409


Time in GMT: Around 20-30 minute before I post thread I believe.


Summary: Okay since I couldn't able to record the incident I tried to gather some evidence about reported player in OOC.
Things happened in this order. I was in Aryan Brotherhood group which was bunch of criminals in Evocity.
We had some arguments with government.They tried to raid us but we did succesfully defended our base and also requested immunity from president.
He did accept our immunity. Vice president was kinda agaisnt it.
So I decided to went to city with my RV. (Vice President Dc'ed after 1-2 minute I spawned my RV.)
I stopped at the first traffic light.There was a dude wanted to get a lift from me.( You can see the chat in Ev 1.) I just ignored him.
After the green light I went thru nexus side street and bam suddenly I got killed.
I had no idea about why I died so I asked about him in OOC.(Evidence 2.)
At the end of the chat he just admited that he shot while his job was F.B.I.  me because of previous (Dc'ed) vice president order. ( I don't really know if this part is true.)

 He did RDM / HitmanRP with fail job(F.B.I.) which leads him to Failrp / K.O.S
I know requesting logs is not really allowed but if you check the logs you will probably find more of his rule breakage.
(Sorry for long explanation I just tried to cover up most of the details.)

Evidence: Ev 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vDXEyVaBuQ (IC chat asking for lift)

          Ev 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW3IcAUTwiM (OOC chat admitting his guilt.)

RE: PR:Sander2409 - Brikaas - 08-23-2016

Player has 24 hours to explain his actions, otherwise the Player Report will be accepted for RDM / KOS.
I want to know what the reason is for kiling him..

RE: PR:Sander2409 - Agorith - 08-25-2016
