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Player Report - Printable Version

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Player Report - Ratatoskrr - 03-14-2016

Name of player: keyblade master

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:563507

Time in GMT:  22:10

Server: v2d

Summary:i was VP and he knocked me out and prop pushed me in order to kill my ragdoll...


RE: Player Report - Ratatoskrr - 03-14-2016


RE: Player Report - Ratatoskrr - 03-14-2016

sorry that was the most recent video

RE: Player Report - Lesanka - 03-17-2016

v2d [23:19:42] keyblade master (STEAM_0:0:563507) said: // I have a weapon mightier than any gun. The phys gun.

Keyblade master has already been banned by the administrator Hitman who was watching the situation through a broadcast.
I could not help but notice, however, that you proceeded to break NLR and say that you were not following it because it was a "bullshit reason to die". While it is true what you say, you still cannot break NLR under any circumstance unless an admin gives you permission. For this, I will warn you as you were trying to gather evidence for this report. Do not do it again.

Player Report denied, the player has already been punished.