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Organisation at its finest. - Printable Version

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Organisation at its finest. - Sammijammi - 01-17-2016

Organisation at its Finest.

The following is a list of laws that I have been working on based on multiple others for an RP that will occur only on V33x. Im posting it on here because most of my friends that were going to roleplay when I first started this, now refuse to play. The laws are not complete and some things need tweaking, but the positions are final. I believe that if I have enough people upon the server with decent hours, that know how to roleplay, we will be able to keep everything at a neat and organised state and people will have a more enjoyable time. 

G/Sec is not an organisation, but a Government set up if previous government fails, as Evocities has, we will sustain a maximum security level within the city, with strict Curfew for Citizens and shops. On top of this, all citizens of the previous government are required to pass a citizenship test to allow the to live within the city, anyone not fit, are labelled as outsiders and transported out of the city to the little village. (This space will become the In Character BIO once I've written it up properly.)

V33x is the map of choice, due to my dupes being on there, ready. Waiting. They are as follows but not all complete:

Nexus Lobby Security Barriers, Garage Security. - Complete.
Nexus Lockdown window Shutters - Not complete.
G/Sec Police station, located at Bank of america. - Complete.
Public Garages impound. - Complete.
City Checkpoint - Complete.
G/Sec State Trooper Station at Warehouse on Connectivity Road - Complete.
G/Sec State Trooper Impound - Not Complete.
Senator Offices - Not Complete.
Citizens Application Bureau - Half Complete.
Citizen Information Centre - Complete.
- More to come, watch this space. -

Positions Available (Recommended hours are bracketed):
Hours are not everything, if you do not meet the recommended, you will still be considered.

The Below are high profile roles and require over 150 hours within the CityRP roleplay servers.

Senator of Citizenship (150+ Hours)

Senator of Treasure (150+ Hours)

The Below position is a high profile role which needs careful co-ordinated strategy planning, a minimum of 120 hours required.

G/Sec Elite Force | Commander - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.) (120+ Hours)

The below position is open to 2 people. Of whom must be able to listen to orders carefully.

G/Sec Elite Force | Agent - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.) (100+ Hours)

G/Sec Elite Force | Negotiator - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.) (120+ and clear understanding of hostage rules.)

G/Sec Police Force | Captain - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.) (500+ Hours)

G/Sec Police Force | Sergeant - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.) (70+ Hours)

The Below position is open to 3 People. Of whom must be able to listen to orders carefully and pass a fit for service test.

G/Sec Police Force | Constable - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.) (50+ Hours)

The Below positions may be handled by citizens as the police force is not large enough unless a full server is the situation then.

G/Sec Trooper | Sergeant - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.) (80+ Hours)

G/Sec Trooper | Constable - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.) (50+ Hours)

G/Sec Paramedic | First Response - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.)(10+ Hours)
G/Sec Paramedic | First Response - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.)(10+Hours)
G/Sec Paramedic | Out of Hours Doctor - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.)(30+ Hours)
G/Sec Fireman | First Response - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.)(10+ Hours)
G/Sec Fireman | First Response - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.)(10+Hours)
G/Sec Fireman | Fire Inspector - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number.)(30+ Hours)

The National Guard.

This section is for a highly trained special unit, for if the Elite Force fail their duties or need the backup.
They are to be feared in every aspect.
As this is the case, the hour requirements are NEEDED.

G/Sec Nation Guard | Commander - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number)(800+ Hours)
G/Sec National Guard | Lieutenant - #### (Please Include your 4 digit badge number)(500+ Hours)
G/Sec Nation Guard | Soldier - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number)(400+ Hours)
G/Sec Nation Guard | Soldier - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number)(400+ Hours)
G/Sec Nation Guard | Soldier - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number)(400+ Hours)
G/Sec Nation Guard | Soldier - #### (Please include your 4 digit badge number)(400+ Hours)

More positions may arise. Watch this space, 2 other senators are planned but not complete.

Below this line, you can see the current list of laws.

Please feel free to comment on them and suggest changes, not additions.

Presidential RP - Laws/Jobs/Duties


The G/Sec Council have overseen these laws and have published them under the EvoCity Laws and Regulations referendum of 1996.
All Citizens of EvoCity are to note and take the laws into account of all actions performed.
Failing to do so will lead to the punishments stated at the end of each section (where applicable.)
Copyright - G/Sec 2016.

Section 1 - Government Information and Laws.

Part 1A - Government Officials - List.

(-) The President. - Danny Gavella 
(-) The Vice President. - Joseph Gavella
(-) Senator of the Citizenship Bureau - Jason Compton
(-) Senator of the Treasury - 
(-) G/Sec Elite Force| Commander - #### - 
(-) G/Sec Elite Force | Agent - #### -
(-) G/Sec Elite Force | Agent - #### -
(-) G/Sec Elite Force | Negotiator - #### -
(-) G/Sec Police Force | Captain - #### - Collin 'Spear' Atwood
(-) G/Sec Police Force | Sergeant - #### -
(-) G/Sec Police Force | Constable - #### -
(-) G/Sec Police Force | Constable - #### -
(-) G/Sec Police Force | Constable - #### -
(-) G/Sec Trooper | Sergeant - #### - 
(-) G/Sec Trooper | Constable - #### -
(-) G/Sec National Guard | Commander - N8742 - Jack 'Reebs' Mondays
(-) G/Sec National Guard | Lieutenant - #### - Johnathon 'mint' Macira
(-) G/Sec National Guard | Soldier - #### -
(-) G/Sec National Guard | Soldier - #### -
(-) G/Sec National Guard | Soldier - #### -
(-) G/Sec National Guard | Soldier - #### -

Part 1B - Government Officials.

(+) The President of EvoCity, Mr. Danny Gavella is here by alleviated of all laws published under this act. Aside from Murder.
(+) The Vice President of EvoCity, Mr. Joseph Gavella is here by alleviated of all laws published under this act. Aside from Murder.
(+) All Government Officials, are considered High Priority. This means that all attempts on their lives will lead to Public Execution.
(+) All Government Officials are to be treated with Respect, any verbal assault or if any official feels that you have disrespected them, you may be detained and removed from the area.

Part 1C - Strategic Response Unit (SRU.)

(+) The SRU has been formily renamed to G/Sec Elite Force | Sergeant/Agent - #### (Replace '#' with relivant Badge Number assigned by the Vice President himself.)
(+) G/Sec Agents will remain within the Headquarters assigned to them until called to a situation. Any Agent caught elsewhere will be punished.
(+) All G/sec Agents are here by allievated of all weapon laws published under this act.
(+) Those that wish to Join the G/Sec Agents list, will be required to pass the 'Fit for Service Test.'

Part 1D - Police Force/State Trooper Laws and Regulations of 1976.

(+) The Police Officer has been formily renamed to G/Sec Police Force | Captain/Sergeant/Officer - #### (Replace '#' with relivant Badge Number assigned by the Vice President himself.)
(+) G/Sec Officers are assigned a patrol of which they must stick to. Use of Police cruisers is never essential.
(-) When on patrol, Officers may be approached, conversed with, but if threatened/verbally assaulted, may proceed to detain and arrest.
(-) If an Officer feels that his life is in danger, immediate backup will be dispatched and lethal force will be authorised.
(+) All Detainment carried out by a G/Sec Officer will be subject to Questioning by the President. All warrants will be investigated before allowed.
(-) The Judgement is removed when one or more lives are in danger.
(+) G/Sec Officer jurisdiction ends at the City Checkpoint. Within the City itself.
(+) Those that wish to Join the G/Sec Officers list, will be required to pass the 'Fit for Service Test.'
(+) The State Trooper has been formily renamed to G/Sec Trooper - #### (Replace '#' with relivant Badge Number assigned by the Vice President himself.)
(+) G/Sec Trooper Jurisdiction ends at the City Checkpoint. Outside the City itself.
(-) G/Sec Trooper duties and rules are no different to their counterparts.

Part 1E - Paramedics and Fireman.

(+) The Paramedic has been formily renamed to G/Sec Paramedic - #### (Replace '#' with the relivant Badge Number assigned by the Vice President himself.)
(+) The Fireman has been formily renamed to G/Sec Fireman - #### (Replace '#' with the relivant Badge Number assigned by the Vice President himself.)
(+) Paramedics and Fireman gain 100% access to all areas of any building during an emergency. This includes all property owned by Outsiders and City Dwellers property.


Section 2 - The Nexus.

Part 2A - The Nexus Laws and Information.

(+) The Nexus, will be under constant lockdown. Guarded by assigned Agents of G/sec. 
(+) All Citizens, of any job, that wish to be granted access to the Nexus or its correlative parts, will be required to pass the Security tests and will be subject to a strip search.
(+) Loitering outside the Nexus, even on the sidewalks looking inside the nexus, subjects you to being detained and removed from the area.
(+) Appointments within the nexus are treated with Caution, those that pose a threat will be subject to lethal force.


Section 3 - Citizenship.

Part 3A - Obtaining Citizenship Act of 1997.

(+) To gain Citizenship you must contact a Senator who will put you through a small test to see if you are eligible.
(-) After the test is completed, the Senator of whom you contacted you will give you a Citizen Number. Keep this safe at all times.
(+) All Citizens are eligible to live within the city, work and shop.
(+) All Citizens that gain Citizenship are to be formily known as a 'City Dweller - ####' (Replace '#' with the relivant Citizenship code given to you by the Senator.)
(-) Those that fail to change their Job Title will be removed from the Citizenship list and placed on the Outsider list. 

Section 3B - Citizen Laws as of 2014.

(+) All Citizens are required to Carry a form of ID with them at all times. This can be obtained by contacting a Senator and taking a Citizenship test.
(-) This excludes minors. Minors being of the age of 12 and younger.
(+) All Citizens are required to follow all General Laws. Those that do not will be subject to Punishment and potential loss of Citizenship.
(+) With Granted Citizenship, you are allowed to openly debate the Laws at anytime. (Via a meeting with the president.) 

Section 3C - Outsider Laws and Information as of 2015.

(+) For those that do not obtain Citizenship are unable to Live, work or trade within the City.
(+) Those that Live outside the city are to be known as an 'Outsider'
(-) As an outsider, you are not allowed to cross into the city via the checkpoint. 
(-) An outsider can still gain Citizenship, but this will require a meeting with the full G/Sec Council with a friend or Relative with you that has Citizenship.
(-) Failure to convince the Council will result in both Citizenships being revoked of both the Relative and person in question with a prompt removal from the city limits.


Section 4 - Driving

Section 4A - The Driving Act of '72

(+) Drivers must carry and always be ready to show a Drivers license which can be Granted by a Senator. You may Call their secretary for this or them directly.
(-) Drivers that have not registered for a license but choose to driver anyway will have their car removed and impounded.
(-) Drivers that cause collisions or disruptions on the road will have a point added to their license. 
(-) Getting 3 points on your license subjects you to arrest for Dangerous driving. On top of the arrest, you are subject to having your car removed and destroyed, this is via dumping in the lake.
(-) Any death, caused by the Driver of a vehicle is subject to have their car removed, destroyed and be arrested for 15 years.
(+) Drivers of whom drive a BMW or Lamborghini are subject to take a driving test to deem them fit to drive such high speed vehicles.

Section 4B - Car Retrieval or Destruction Information.

(+) For a Driver of which hasnt got a license, retrieving your vehicle is only possible once a license has been aquired and fine has been paid. Along with an added fine for safe guarding your vehicle.
(-) Initially, $1450 for release of vehicle an added fine of $1000 will be on top of that to cover the cost of maintenance for the garage.
(-) All proceeds go directly to funding the Government impound and garage.

If you Wish to apply for a position please use the template below. (Copy entire Entry.)

Government position Application:

Steam ID:

InGame Name:

InGame Hours:

Reason for Applying:

Position Applying for (From the Above List):

Why should I consider your request for said position?

IC Backstory (Please include your past experience as Government Officials. EXC. Presidential Roles.)

Thank you for reading, and good luck with your applications.

Danny Gavella - President of Gavella Security.

RE: Organisation at its finest. - Analcry - 01-17-2016

Seems pretty cool and well organized, the only problem I'd see is the other players whom aren't very fond of roleplay's attitudes towards this. This will inevitably be ignored, and get the goverment raided within the very first few minutes of its establishment.
Good luck though, you'll need it.

RE: Organisation at its finest. - DesertFox - 01-17-2016

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:78553903

InGame Name:
Jason Compton

InGame Hours: 157 hours

Reason for Applying: This project looks good and I have faith in the organisation of it, also I'd like to be a part of how certain processes can be better organised.

Position Applying for (From the Above List):
Senator of Citizenship

Why should I consider your request for said position? Over the years I have been very active in various organizational sectors which I have gained a wide experience from. For me this was a nice but mostly educational experience, I have learned to operate fully independently and I have built many social and administrative experiences.

IC Backstory (Please include your past experience as Government Officials. EXC. Presidential:

Spoiler: Can be found here

Also I have had the privilege of taking part in various government roleplays, for example advanced detective, FBI and mercenary RP.

RE: Organisation at its finest. - Reebs - 01-18-2016

Government position Application:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63442895

InGame Name: Jack "Reebs" Mondays

InGame Hours: 1302 

Reason for Applying: I enjoy organized Governments like this, especially ones that requirea great amount of Organization and Cooperation to function properly.

Position Applying for (From the Above List): G/Sec National Guard | Commander

Why should I consider your request for said position? I am great with weapons, and I feel that I have good leadership skills, which could be put to good use in this position.

IC Backstory (Please include your past experience as Government Officials. EXC. Presidential Roles.)

Born in 1976, Jack Mondays was born a healthy child. When he was 2 years old his parents died and he was forced to live with his grandfather, a millionaire because of his company:Brostleback Corp, founded 3 months before his birth. The company was a sucess until about some 10 years later when Jack was 12. The company moved to Evo city and based in the old United Materials compound. When Jack was 16 and applied for the military, the corleones raided the compound. Only Jack and one untrained security gaurd survived the raid when they stormed the barracks. Jacks Grandfather, unaware of the threat to his life decided to take a walk, but was driven right back inside when he saw the fedoras. He began looking around the compound for Jack, but he was nowhere to be found. His grandfather panicked when he couldn't find Jack and he took a lethal dose of Cyanide to end his suffering. When the corleones left, Jack was immidiatly shipped out to Afghanistan to assist the US army. 

When he returned as a general 4 years later he saw that the corleone threat was worse than ever before. Immidiately he found his friend and went to the compound to retrieve his grandfathers documents. He also called the Marines and told them of the threat and they sent over 4 of their best men. When the soldiers arrived with their commanding officer, who later became the company's co owner, they were ready for anything. The CO was a 5strGeneral by the name of Sarah Rock, who frequently changed her identity. One day, Jack and the marines attacked the threat at its source. 6 corleones captured, the rest dead. The 6 men were positivly identified as the men who raided the compound. The 6 men were put on trial for treason and crimes against Evo and were sentenced to life in a federal penitentary. With that done, Jack had a contractor make a nice office complex for the men. 

A few years after its re-opening, Jack became extremely ill, which forced the company into inactivity, due to nobody knowing the security codes into the private areas. After Jack recovered, he returned to find nobody there, except for 1 or 2 more people, who stayed true to what the company stood for. Jack then decided to close for good, and now works with the Local Police Department, training new cadets to police the neighborhood and keep the growing gangs in check. Shortly after he got hired by the local police, he was laid off, due to a cut in funding. He was then put into the ruling position of Evo City, after the deposition of the Dictator. After his term expired, he carried on life as a normal person, an off duty cop, who sometimes got into mischief, which, in turn, landed him in one of the many jail cells he had incarcerated people in himself.

RE: Organisation at its finest. - Sammijammi - 01-18-2016

Senator of Citizenship

President Danny Gavella of G/Sec would hereby welcome Jason Compton as the new Senator of Citizenship.

On the 26th January 2016 you will recieve an Email(PM) of your new duties and roles within the running of 'EvoCity.'

As it stands, you will now be formally recognized within G/Sec as a member, Congratulations.

Signed, Danny Gavella, President of G/Sec.

RE: Organisation at its finest. - Sammijammi - 01-18-2016

G/Sec National Guard - Commander

President Danny Gavella of G/Sec would hereby Welcome Jack "Reebs" Mondays as the new Commander of the National Guard.

On the 26th January 2016 you will recieve an Email(PM) of your new duties and roles within the Security and Lockdown Procedure of 'EvoCity'

As it stands, you will now be formally recognized within G/Sec as a Commander and Chief, Congratulations.

Signed, Danny Gavella, President of G/sec.

RE: Organisation at its finest. - Spear - 01-18-2016

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:95125693

InGame Name: Collin 'Spear' Atwood

InGame Hours: 1150

Reason for Applying: Why say no to a good planned roleplay?

Position Applying for:  G/Sec Police Force | Captain

Why should I consider your request for said position? I have a huge experience, learned from my few mistakes and now never do mistakes again. You can also trust me in all circumstances.

IC Backstory: Born 1983 in England. Started to work as a Lawyer after years of education. I got tired so i resigned. 2 years later I was an working as a Police Officer in England. When the time came I moved to evocity to live near my family.

RE: Organisation at its finest. - mintblackbeard - 01-18-2016

Steam ID:

InGame Name: Johnathon 'mint' Macira

InGame Hours: 1154+

Reason for Applying: Want to join a nice government event.

Position Applying for (From the Above List): G/Sec National Guard | Lieutenant

Why should I consider your request for said position? I believe I have the roleplay capabilities to be in an RP like this. I also believe It will be fun.

IC Backstory (Please include your past experience as Government Officials. EXC. Presidential Roles.)

Spoiler :
Johnathon 'Mint' Macira is a 25 year old male from England who travelled to the district of V2D in EvoCity at the age of 23. He enjoyed it very much there but not long after the population of the small city began to deteriate. He found himself wondering what to do next. With less people around his small butchers shop would sell less and less so he started looking for a new house. Days later he had found a small apartment in the nearby district of V33X in the state of EvoCity not far from V2D.

He moved in and started to settle down when he was robbed by a gang of thieves. The thieves stole everything from his TV to his last pair of unwashed underwear. For months Johnathon was forced to stay in homeless shelters. Johnathon visited the corner shop daily to check for new jobs but none appeared until one fateful day the president had sent out a broadcast saying that the G/Sec force was open for new applicants. Johnathon applied instantly.

Days later he got a letter to the shelter saying he had been accepted for training. His training would begin later that day. Johnathon got a bus to the Nexus where the sergeant was holding a meeting. Johnathon was shown his taser, Glock and ASP baton. Johnathon was amazed that he would be trusted with these items. He was shown how to use them all and when to use each. Months later Johnathon was promoted to G/Sec national guard.

RE: Organisation at its finest. - Sammijammi - 01-19-2016

G/Sec Police Force | Captain - (Badge number not provided.)

President Danny Gavella of G/Sec would hereby welcome Collin 'Spear' Atwood as the new G/Sec Police Force | Captain.

Before the 26th January, I would expect an Email from yourself, detailing your Badge Number, ready for your role.

On the 26th January, upon recieving your badge number, you will recieve an Email(PM) of your New Duties/Roles within EvoCity.
Inside this Email will also read the Patrols of which you will need to organise on the day of Taking over Evocity.

As it stands, you will no be formally recognised within G/Sec as a High Ranking Government official. Congratulations.

Signed, Danny Gavella, President of G/Sec.

RE: Organisation at its finest. - Sammijammi - 01-19-2016

G/Sec National Guard Lieutenant (Badge Number not provided.)

President Danny Gavella of G/Sec would hereby welcome Johnathon 'mint' Macira as the new G/Sec National Guard | Lieutenant

Before the 26th January, I would expect an Email from yourself, detailing your Badge Number, ready for your role.

On the 26th January, upon recieving your badge number, you will recieve an Email(PM) of your New Duties/Roles within EvoCity.

As it stands, you will no be formally recognised within G/Sec as a High Ranking Government official. Congratulations.

Signed, Danny Gavella, President of G/Sec.