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Report: [FL:RP]Trever and benedict-k. - Printable Version

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Report: [FL:RP]Trever and benedict-k. - ImTheRealSparks - 12-26-2015

Name of players: [FL:RP]Trever and benedict-K.

SteamID: [FL:RP]Trever: STEAM_0:1:51018019.

benedict-k: STEAM_0:0:87501657

Time in GMT: 09:31AM

Server: V33X

Summary: I was playing on the server and just chilling out because To be honest... There was a lot of minges on... I decided to just run about and just look around at what people were doing and these rebels were just breaking so many rules. Rules such as: 4.1, 4.2, 14.2, 16.1, 16.3 (One of them robbed me 10 minutes before at the city tunnel), 17.1 (Didn't get this on video but one of them in a green mini ran me over twice). Anyway, They were just mining as rebels normally do when no admins are online. They decided to mug me right in front of nexus when I was doing nothing but watch from afar, Not having a clue what they were doing but oh well. As seen in the video, I was getting mugged at which point I was going to drop the money until I got shot, for no valid roleplay reason. I dropped the money and then was shot down to 1% health. Again, for no reason. I walked up tot the window which they then proceeded to kill me through the glass for again, no valid roleplay reason ending in me being rdmd and no valid roleplay reason to kill me. It also looked like they were raiding the nexus for no reason. They also robbed a cop just as he respawned after they killed him. As seen in the video No.2.

Evidence: 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2Vg451Acoc

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9hkWZ1ZE1c

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slXhgjZQ5L8

Additional Information: My in-game name is [FL:RP] TheRealSparks. I just haven't got my name changed on the forums yet because no one is responding to my requests for that Cheese

RE: Report: [FL:RP]Trever and benedict-k. - Hitman - 12-31-2015

Player Report: Approved

Closing Notes: benedict-k found guilty of FailRP (Mugging a cop and mugging out front of nexus)

Trever found guilty of attempting to kill an individual after they had paid and fulfilled their demands.

Fearless Moderator

RE: Report: [FL:RP]Trever and benedict-k. - ShadowPurple - 12-31-2015
