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Player Report - Printable Version

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Player Report - ModernFail - 11-17-2015

Name of player: YoLo

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47717255

Time in GMT:around 16:00

Server: V2d

Involved: YoLo / [FL:RP] Hoxton

Summary:User Break FerRP. He dove a man over. I Stop the car and told him to get out. He drove away. He killed us after that,but I donr record it. But [FL:RP] Hoxton saw it.

Evidence: Random Kill : [FL:RP] Hoxton
FearRP https://youtu.be/wXisbf7G7t0
                      Random Kill : [FL:RP] Hoxton

RE: Player Report - Avgar - 11-17-2015

Player report approved.

The accused was found breaking FearRP. A ban will be administered.
There is not enough evidence to convict the accused of RDM, therefore no action will be taken concerning that.

RE: Player Report - Viljo - 11-17-2015
