Fearless Forums
Report : GuiltyIsCharged - Printable Version

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Report : GuiltyIsCharged - Yellow - 10-19-2015

Name of player: GuiltyIsCharged

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:147887786

Time in GMT: 3-5 Mins ago

Server: 2vd

Summary: He just step on me and start punching ...

Evidence: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080958772/screenshot/639867885569135799

It was him you can check the logs [ithink]

RE: Report : GuiltyIsCharged - Viljo - 10-19-2015

Provided evidence even after logcheck is insufficient.
You got 24 hours to provide more evidence.

RE: Report : GuiltyIsCharged - Viljo - 10-22-2015
