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Player Report: Astron - Printable Version

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Player Report: Astron - TJ Howard - 08-14-2015

Name of player: Astron

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50228571

Time in GMT: 15:47

Server: v2d

Responding to a prop killer, Astron typed profanity in OOC.
Broken Rule: 1.13 Racism, sexism and discrimination is not allowed OOC and IC.

[Image: 9OMjhsl.jpg]

RE: Player Report: Astron - Suarez - 08-15-2015

Player Report on: Astron approved for the reason Major racism

Thank you for your report,

[FL:M] Suarez
Fearless Moderation Team

RE: Player Report: Astron - Grub - 08-21-2015
