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BR - Enter Nator - Printable Version

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BR - Enter Nator - Jono - 07-11-2015

Name of player:Enter Nator

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:55468406

Time in GMT: 11:00

Server: V33x

Summary: Enter Nator killed an unarmed man, (Python plays.) He accused Python of killing the last president, and I explained that there was no evidence to do so etc. A few minutes later, he proceeded to shoot Python, and kill him.


RE: BR - Enter Nator - PythonPlays - 07-11-2015

It was plain RDM - Also you sent me a PM saying you posted A BR and I thought you posted one for me and I literally shat myself xD

RE: BR - Enter Nator - Jono - 07-11-2015

(07-11-2015, 10:21 PM)PythonPlays Wrote: It was plain RDM - Also you sent me a PM saying you posted A BR and I thought you posted one for me and I literally shat myself xD

Sorry dude, I did send you a PM after you said it, but you disconnected so : D

RE: BR - Enter Nator - Obay - 07-11-2015
