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Ban Req - Blue Destroyer - Printable Version

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Ban Req - Blue Destroyer - Aramadon - 09-27-2011

Name of player: Blue Destroyer

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41681646

Time in GMT: 19:30 GMT

Summary: I was an SS. I ran into Blue's base and saw his money printers. As I approached the room I saw his money printers and attempted to confront him, but he closed a fading door in my face. Then I took note of the keypad and began to pull out my cracker, but he had removed the keypad. His door became a propblock and he destroyed his printers.



Screen of console at the time: http://i.imgur.com/bCIig.png

RE: Ban Req - Blue Destroyer - Dryblood - 09-27-2011
