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Invalid and not fair. - Printable Version

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Invalid and not fair. - Moxew - 04-07-2015

Your name: Moxew

Your ban ID: 58330

Banned by: [FL] Pinky

Reason: FearRP, 

Involved: Me and Pinky

Why we should unban you: My ban should be shortened since one of my banns were invalid and LivKX (Capybarazech at the time) got it removed and this ban should not be my last chance, since it makes no sense to me. also I want my current ban shortened since I think it a little bit to high with 6 months ban for FearRP, I know I did alot of stupid stuff before but I have changed, But I want the invalid ban removed and my current one shortened. 

RE: Invalid and not fair. - livkx - 04-07-2015

This ban was put as 6 months due to it being his last chance, however, myself and Moxew had previously been banned together, due to a BRA. The BRA was invalid in the end, and I believe it was Sir Crow (Maybe) unbanned me, and un-forum banned me. He also removed it from Moxew's ban record. This means that this ban should not actually be his last chance. Therefore is should be a standard amount of time. Moxew has already served 4 months too.

RE: Invalid and not fair. - Pinky - 04-07-2015

I dont see why you should be unbanned at all this was your 10th ban even if it was your ban nr 9 it might be last chance and 6 monts is normal.

Put some more effort in to your UBR.

RE: Invalid and not fair. - Pinky - 04-08-2015
