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Banned for Fear RP - Printable Version

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Banned for Fear RP - com - 04-07-2015

[b]Your name:[/b] Tails Tau

[b]Your ban ID:[/b] 60590

[b]Banned by:[/b] ([FL:M] Obay

[b]Reason:[/b] FearRP

[b]Involved:[/b] a padestrian and a cop (dont know names, didnt think i needed to read them for a ban report)

[b]Why we should unban you:[/b] i was in a car chase and i ran over a guy accidentally, since i
didn't have a mic i quickly stopped and did /y sorry! since ive been told i have to do that by staff.
then started going again, at that time the officer chasing me started shooting which he wouldn't
have been able to if i didn't stop to type /y sorry! for my accidental CDM. i also was put in the air without
being able to explain this to Obay before he removed my vehicle rights for 2 hours and banned me
for 24 hours.

admitingly i should have not tried to type /y sorry but if i didnt, i would have been banned for
not doing it

RE: Banned for Fear RP - Answered - Obay - 04-08-2015

Good morning, Tails.
I am the staff member that banned you from our Fearless servers for the reason, 'FearRP'.

You did indeed break FearRP and this happened as your refusal to comply with police officers orders with placed under gunpoint.  Whether or not you had to type, CDM is against the rules and what makes it somewhat acceptable is if you stop and role play the situation well as opposed to completely avoiding the RP scenario.

Rule Breakage No.1
Car Death Match (CDM)
Because of your failure to comply with the rule Vehicle rule 1.
  1. Do not run people over at purpose and always try to brake or avoid the person.
We only accept this and you prove it was an accident by simply role playing the situation.
[Punishment Dealt] Vehicle Access Removal - Temporal  

Rule Breakage No.2
Because you failed to comply with the Police Officer holding a gun at you, you broke General Rule 13.
  1. Follow FearRP. You can't attack a person who has a gun (or tazer) pointed at you, while you are unarmed, you must roleplay being afraid of the gun. 

[Punishment Dealt] Suspension from the server - Temporal 

I would like to inform that in the time you have away from the servers, to read the rules carefully @ http://www.fearlessrp.net/derma/rules.html 

Kind Regard,
Fearless Moderator

RE: Banned for Fear RP - Obay - 04-08-2015

Requesting closure of the thread and movement to the 'Denied' section 
Tails Tau, was found in breach of the terms of the server agreed upon joining the server, thus breaking General Rule 13 and Vehicle Rule 1.
Thank you for take your time to appeal to your ban.

Kind Regards,
Fearless Moderator

RE: Banned for Fear RP - Enzyme - 04-08-2015


Reasons can be found above.