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Player report. - Printable Version

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Player report. - already_fallen - 03-19-2015

Name of player: DG Marc
Time in GMT:gmt+3 Somewhere around 17.45-16.30, Not sure, since few crashes around that time.
Summary:We had searched & arrested him for gun shop in city, (Illegal by law), he then started to complain in ooc and called us as f*a*g*s.
EDIT: Censored the F word, i dont want another ban for saying that!

RE: Player report. - Nuka - 03-19-2015

Time was 14:07 GMT +0

RE: Player report. - already_fallen - 03-19-2015

Thank you, gmt +3 was when i played, nuka was there to witness it.

RE: Player report. - Decay - 03-19-2015

Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player (DG Marc, STEAM_0:1:39553173) was found violating rules regarding Hompohobia and insulting players using the OOC chat
Suspension will be applied for 7 days.

[FL] Decay.
Server Administrative Team