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Report on 2 players [muffinlm & Mr.Yashchuk] - Printable Version

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Report on 2 players [muffinlm & Mr.Yashchuk] - Tzimanious - 03-18-2015

Name of player: Muffinlm & Mr.Yashchuk

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:87689718 & STEAM_0:1:87689718

Time in GMT: 16.41 gmt+2

Server: v33x

Summary: I was building a dupe and suddenly 2 rebels come and one of them kills me just like that.

Evidence:  Me getting shot. The 2 rebels Only rebels atm R.I.P.

RE: Report on 2 players [muffinlm & Mr.Yashchuk] - Nevy - 03-18-2015

What day was this on?

RE: Report on 2 players [muffinlm & Mr.Yashchuk] - Tzimanious - 03-18-2015

Today - 18/3/15

RE: Report on 2 players [muffinlm & Mr.Yashchuk] - crackedup - 03-19-2015

I remember this. I back Tzimanious up. He sold me his lambo but couldn't because some rebels randomly killed him. I remember and i can say that all of his evidence is true.

RE: Report on 2 players [muffinlm & Mr.Yashchuk] - Rolorox - 03-20-2015

Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player (Mr.Yashchuk, STEAM_0:0:56358603) was found violating rules regarding Random Death Match .
Suspension will be applied for 1 Day .

[FL] Rolorox
Server Administrative Team

Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Insufficient evidence of any rules being violated by accused player (Muffinlm, STEAM_0:1:87689718 ) .
Please note, user may have been with the other rebel but logs do not show that he helped RDM .

[FL] Rolorox
Server Administrative Team