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Unban request - Printable Version

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Unban request - Haazey - 02-11-2015

Your name: [FL:RP] Tyler (Has been updated to [W-G] Haazey [SS])

Your ban ID: 56319

Banned by: Console

Reason: Double Accounting to avoid ban

Involved: N/A

Why we should unban you:

Ok the reason i have decided to make this unban request is because i feel that i deserve one more chance, I understand that you don't get one unless the bans were far apart however before you start going "You don't deserve it" Please hear me out. I first joined this server when i had around 10 - 20 hours on gmod, I joined with a friend called alex and then i met at least 20 new friends from this server, Anyway like i said i had extremely low hours so i had absolutely no clue what RDM/NLR/FailRP/FearRP ment, Everytime i was banned i was extremely confused but i understand that now and i kick myself every time i think about it, Even though i was banned at least 4 times at this point i still decided to donate exactly £50 (£10 donator rank and $40 for money) so i obviously loved this server if i decided to donate that much. Anyway let's actually get to the point now, I was casually driving down the city in my BMW because i liked to show of my car and police started shooting at me (Reason is still unknown) So i turned around and i see a police officer with a pistol aimed straight at me so i managed to get his name then park around the corner, I then went into Nexus and asked him to follow me into the offices when i pulled a gun out and said that he was being taken as a hostage for damaging my car, At this point Enzyme was here questioning me. He said why i did it so i explained that he shot my car and he said "Thats not what i asked for" so he asked me again, I then fell silent questioning myself to off what he ment by this. I had already told him so i was extremely confused. I was then told that the guy i had hostaged was not the person that shot my car so i knew i was going to get banned, This wasn't really an exuse or accident when it comes to CityRP so i put in chat "Good bye everyone" because i was going to shortly be banned. See now i don't dislike any staff members because they do their job correctly and i know this was a well deserved ban, However i don't think it should of been a permanent ban as in my eyes i didn't see myself breaking any rules until i was told it was the wrong person.

Now this is to explain why i double accounted ( "i" didn't actually do it). So my friend Ryan Roe came round for a sleep over one night and whilst i was on my computer he went on my old laptop, Around this time i was paying for my own DarkRP server so we was having some fun on their with a few others friends, We was playing for around 2 hours and then got extremely bored. We joined around 5 different server such as Prophunt/TTT/Jailbreak and so on... I told him to find a new server to play on and i would join him ( He was on my dads account that i used the family sharing on ) So he decided to join CityRP, he was facing completely opposite to me so i couldn't see his screen ( I actually phoned him to tell me what he had done so i can write this) Once he had joined the server he changed his name and job (That's all i was told) Then he got banned. He starts to chuckle and says "wtf look ahaha I got banned straight away, Why !?!?!" I was laughing myself until i saw "banned for double accounting" and my face totally changed, I was so upset because this is my most favourite server and the only server i have donated on actually. This basically ruined all my chances of getting unbanned.

Want to know why i'm still trying to get unbanned ? Because
1. I did not double account to avoid a ban
2. I donated alot of money
3. I had over 200 hours play time
4. I had spent alot of my time getting all the items in my invetory
5. I miss all my friends that are still currently playing this server such as Little big horn, Kie, Georgy, DrunkPotatoe
I would also like to add that during my time of being banned i have become a 
- Head-Admin on the "Veitnam TDM server" 
- Moderator on the "Werwolf gaming DarkRP server"
- Moderator on the "WW2 TDM server"
- I'm mostly on the VDM server so please come and speak with me if you wish, My name will be "101st SFC Haazey" I will be called "Haazey" on the other servers
- I'm not asking for a full unban, I'm just asking for 1 chance to prove to you that i'm not a little minge anymore

RE: Unban request - Enzyme - 02-11-2015

The reasons why I believe you're lying about you not Double-Accounting:

1. I You  donated alot of money
3. I You had over 200 hours play time
4. I You had spent alot of my time getting all the items in my invetory
5. I You miss all my your friends that are still currently playing this server such as Little big horn, Kie, Georgy, DrunkPotatoe

The reasons why you say why you wouldn't double-account proves why you WOULD double-account.

Your credibility is very... doubtable and we will not remove your DA ban just because you say so. 
Even if we DID remove the ban, you'd still be permabanned for a ban that you've appealed so many times that you're not allowed to appeal it anymore. You simply will not be unbanned. 

You're also appealing this double-account ban by breaking the forum-rules by making too many UBRs for the same ban.

Previous UBRs for the same ban:


User warned.

And let me make something very clear:

You're not allowed to appeal this ban nor the previous ban I gave you. You've spent all your chances on UBRs. 
You will never be unbanned. No matter how many appeals you make and etc.