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Respect and Judging. - Printable Version

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Respect and Judging. - Falc - 01-04-2015

So basically I just want to rant about respect and judging other players within the server, there is rarely any respect shown between any players at all, do people have to be so rude all the time. People constantly think because they are better than other people and always put people down. I mean when people say " Oh god look at the pres, he has 25 hours, lol" That is showing no respect whatsoever, it happened on 2D earlier on and the president actually ended up doing some really good RP and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I then spoke to that person on steam and it did get him down, that people have to judge him about his Rp skills because he has less hours than the other person? I think that is completely unfair. Also when people, usually a new player with 0-3 hours use OOC chat to communicate with someone about there location or an advert and people then turn round having a go at them about Metagaming. I mean take a look at there hours and push them towards the right direction, don't just start having a go at them, try just sending them a PM or even just reply in OOC and tell them where they are going wrong and how to solve it, don't just jump on them as soon as you get the chance to try and make yourself look good when an admin/mod is there by moaning at them, because that is what people tend to do.
This next part is about respect between admins/mods and the players. I don't feel admins always show the respect they should, I mean yes they can fly around and pick people up with and ban people, but that does not make them better than other people.. On many occasions admins come along telling people to shut up and laughing when having a serious conversation and I can completely understand if they are screaming down there mics Etc but just because an admin is in a bad mood from another player does not give them the right to come to another @ Call or whatever and be disrespectful to them. This is not aimed at all admins because not everyone is like that, if you don't get respect from the player then if you don't respect them that is fine, but there was a situation earlier when I confronted an admin about him speaking to me and my friend about advertising or whatever, and when I actually decided I was going to stand up for myself, we got into a lengthy discussion which the admin ended up being really sarcastic and rude by laughing at what I was saying and putting "lol" which is really not needed, and then when I try and talk about respect works both ways, he doesn't take any notice of me whatsoever, and then replies "Are you done?" Or something along those lines.. As if I am not there and he doesn't give a shit. I showed complete respect when speaking to him, but I got none back at all. I mean nothing he couldn't have cared less which is really frustrating. I'm not gonna name the admin because this is not an admin abuse against him, but seriously, no matter if you're an admin, donator, non donator or Mod, everyone on the server is equal.
I guess I'm done. I don't want anyone to reply if they're gonna start an argument, this thread is not about having a go at people, just merely my frustration. Thank you.

RE: Respect and Judging. - CheekiBreeki - 01-04-2015

Indeed i agree with this, as many people say "Dont judge a book from its cover" who knows if Solomon with 10 hours server time is deemed good or not, they may have been rping for a few years on other servers and can contribute in a great way. No people shouldn't be judged on the server for the amount of time they have played as this is just prejudiced as you could have somone with over 100+ hours on the server who is a complete ass-hole and does nothing but contra whore. If we all treat each other with equal respect who knows what awesome events may occur!

This is the same with rank in my eyes i see it very often on this server and also others i have played on in my time where admins/mods begin to lose sight of what their true job is, it is not to just ban people and remove players from the server they are an ambassador that represents the community they work to "protect" they must be humble and still look at them selves as just another player on the server no matter what powers they have. I see it too often where admins (not just on here so chill) overlook little details in peoples stories and straight out make a judgement that ends up not being justice at all and not giving the players a chance to defend them selves as a respected member of the community.

Thats my view anyway and i hope people agree, we are all equal at the end of the day, all humans sat behind a computer draining away our boredom so lets not forget we are all the same. Smile

RE: Respect and Judging. - Baskingner - 01-05-2015

I dont entirely agree with you. When im ingame i never notice a "lack of respect" towards me or from me to other people. I agree with you on the low-hour president part but there is little we can do because often a low-hour president actually has no idea how to do his job, he should receive help instead of disrespect indeed but that is something not everyone agrees with.

RE: Respect and Judging. - Voluptious - 01-05-2015

I am sick and tired of experienced players turning their back on new players. I admit, i was one of them. i sighed whenever someone with low hours was president and said "metaland" in OOC whenever someone asked where the chef was, back then i saw nothing wrong with it.

After being met by new players asking for help and time, i realized what i was doing. When someone asked where XYZ merchant was i answered like people should, not meta but that (s)he should use /pm or look around the city. It was when i changed i saw how mean this community was against new players, how me and many, MANY others at the time treated them.

I feel many of us have changed, when joined there were nothing but META! and METALAND! in response (this is from MY OWN personal expeirence, your may differ). Not everyone but many players now respond like someone that wants to help and we have to continue going this way. We are open, lets keep it that way.

If you read this and are one of them who say "meta" or "metaland" in OOC to these kinds of situation; How would you feel if you were new to a server and got that response, would you be engaged to pursue that community or would you think about leaving to find a potentialy better one?

TL;DR Think before you type

RE: Respect and Judging. - Gandhi - 01-05-2015

It's rather similar to everything in life then? Not everybody is going to be happy and friendly. The best you can do is brush yourself off and find the friendly people. I'm not saying that people should be offensive to eachother or that it's ok to be but it's something we all have to deal with. Things like stereotypes are everywhere. People with low hours do get a lack of respect (not by everybody.) People do start fights and arguments.

Just do what I do: Help people, be friendly, then tell them to pass on the kindness.


RE: Respect and Judging. - aviator - 01-05-2015

At the end of the day, it's the internet.

I never take anything on the internet too seriously. Also, I think respect is something that is earned - not immediately given. Obviously, people should still show common decency, but respect is something that tends to come further down people's relationship; at least in my opinion...

Judging is something we all do, consciously or sub-consciously. Barely anyone is this world does not judge at all and it's just the fact of life. I judge people all the time, especially the first time I meet them - but I am always willing to admit to myself that my initial thoughts about a person were wrong (first impressions) or just that people change.

Just ignore people you don't like and focus and give your time to people you think deserve it. Although this counts for real life more than the internet, since the internet is well... the internet.

(01-05-2015, 01:44 PM)Voluptious Wrote: If you read this and are one of them who say "meta" or "metaland" in OOC to these kinds of situation; How would you feel if you were new to a server and got that response, would you be engaged to pursue that community or would you think about leaving to find a potentialy better one?

Loads of people do it and saying "metaland" isn't really mean or poor behaviour, it's just ambiguous and I think most new players either don't know what it means or ignores it. However, you can always argue that if they read the rules or had previous role-play experience they'd know about different types of chat and meta-gaming. Although, even when I was an admin, new players can always be excused for their lack of experience and that does happen all the time at Fearless so...

samzo Wrote:no matter if you're an admin, donator, non donator or Mod, everyone on the server is equal.

And in some aspects, that's where you're wrong. Elitism is something that will always happen. It happens in the real world, at workplaces, in schools. A hierarchy system which so called "respect" is demanded. Administrators and moderators will always be above normal players and have power of them and I guess some staff members will feel like they are above normal players - of course one can argue they are since they enforce the rules and have power over players. Obviously you can also argue they aren't.

People with experience will regularly look down on people without as much experience and you're just going to have to deal with it because unfortunately, that's life...

RE: Respect and Judging. - Barkles - 01-05-2015

I agree with the you on the point about low houred players and stuff, I wont go into goo much as vol seemed to sum it up well, but indeed new players can be good RPers, look at us the so called "experienced members" we were that low houred 'noob' once, so did we lose our common empathy?

Personally I like trying to help new players, by either reminding them if their breaking a rule that they are and directing them to the rules or even helping with their RP

For example I don't like sending @ calls, I think an admin would have better to do than have a petty squabble with someone, I'll only send them if the person who is breaking the rule continues after ive warned them.

I'll say it once ill say it again, I'm a friendly guy, so if you need some help with RP or the rules, feel free to Pm me or add me on steam Cheese

RE: Respect and Judging. - Suarez - 01-05-2015

I agree almost entirely because their is lots and lots of stereotypes if you will on the internet and especially on FL. Whenever someone asks my age or finds it out they're most of the time shocked because I don't fit the stereotype of a 13 year old on the internet. Most people would usually think a 13 year old is a squeaker who knows near to nothing and who doesn't obey rules. However I'd say I'm the complete opposite. But it totally agree with what you're saying. I don't agree with the member and donator issue. I'm fine with both. I try not to stereotype with hours and such but sometimes it is right rather than wrong. I'll try and help players the best I can. That's what I do and think anyway.

RE: Respect and Judging. - Ciryl - 01-05-2015

I think the reason some people 'disrespect'/not help newer players is because they did NOT read the rules or the FAQs before playing, I don't mind helping people but there is times where you get ignored and they do it anyway and I believe this may be the same case with the 'official' Admins. (The Backseat-Administration team 'bans' disrespectful/screamers on sight so we don't have this problem)

RE: Respect and Judging. - Wood - 01-05-2015

I understand why people judge people on hours, as a lot of minges arrive with low hours and can't really do the job. I disagree with people doing it though, as you'll see me point out in OOC when someone points out the hours and the president. Myself and Mavis are developing a system that should totally wipe out the whole "how do i warrant?!?" issue. Anyone -50 hours will be displayed a small help window when joining that job for the first time. For example, the President one would display a guide on RPing well, President rules, dictator rules, commands etc.

As Barkles said, why not give them a hand? I normally let the player know if they are breaking a rule, point out how to correct it and normally nudge them to read the rules. You'd be so supprised how well it works. Countless times they've fixed their rule break. I don't like using @ instantly as we all make mistakes, so why not help them improve?

As for admins/mods, I'm sure when you feel you was disrespected the admin/mod didn't mean it in the slightest. The amount of stress a admin goes through daily is pretty high, then you have the people who lie to them/totally ignore them, which I imagine brings stress levels way up. I get along with quite a few members in the team, and trust me, it isn't hard when you just get to know them.

Finally, as for the respect towards players, we all get disrespected from time to time from fellow community members. I myself have around 1450 hours or so now and 20 RPPs, and trust me, I still get abuse and disrespectful people, it's just how you react. If you react flaming and shouting, they win. Simply ignore it and don't let it bother you, if anything, laugh!