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Report: [Pro AWP] - Printable Version

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Report: [Pro AWP] - ilmon3y - 01-02-2015

Name of player:  [Pro AWP]

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60284427

Time in GMT: 18:00

Server: v2d


I noticed him briefly pointing a gun at an unarmed citizen on the side of the road.  When he put it away, I approached to see what was happening. It looked as if he was helping someone get their vehicle back onto the road, so I left and went back to my shack.

From there, I turned away and saw him in in a vehicle.  An officer had shot his vehicle, ordering him to get out.  At that point, he deliberately ran the officer down and drove off.

Later on, another officer had discovered his corpse and asked me what happened.  I explained to him that a man in a blue sports car had ran him over.  He then happened to drive by, so I pointed him out to the officer.  He got out the car and walked onto the side of the road, as instructed.  Then, for whatever reason, the officer totally disregarded what had happened and let him go, before disconnecting.


RE: Report: [Pro AWP] - Pinky - 01-07-2015


Closing notes: The officer opened fire to the car then fearRP dosent apply anymore he can drive for away but he shouldnt CDM a Blacklist has been placed