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Unban - Printable Version

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Unban - reecetimpz12 - 08-30-2011

Your name: Reecetimpz12

Your ban ID:2961

Why we should unban you:
i know ive been banned in 2 days but come on this one i was rp'ing with a bunch of rebels holding up the garage, coppers come in open fire we shoot everything and i get banned for killing a admin. how that fair Nervous not even like i survived it all or got warned you cant do rebel activity's. And if hes admining shouldnt he do it from a safe place or nexus or something so he cant be killed because we dint know he was admining stood behind a counter. dont understand

RE: Unban - SoulRipper - 08-31-2011

"open fire we shoot everything"

We are playing RP, not Counter-Strike