Fearless Forums
Unban! - Printable Version

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Unban! - sebblon-mc - 10-24-2014

Your name: (sebblon-mc)

Your ban ID: (55121)

Banned by: ([FL] Fultz)

Reason: (FearRP / FailRP / Lying to me about it saying you couldnt get out of the car)

Involved: (Its was med and 4 cops)

Why we should unban you: ( i say to cops at im stuck im car. even say that to admin im not lie on that i was stuck in car !! so i havent do any wrong. )

RE: Unban! - Fultz - 10-24-2014

You and your friend were constantly asking why you were being pulled over. While doing so you were dancing in the drivers seat.

You had zero effort in getting out of the car. Denied. Ban is valid.