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WARNING for all CSGO players - Printable Version

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WARNING for all CSGO players - Bloodraptor819 - 09-13-2014

Hello, I just wanted to warn people that play CSGO, random people add you on steam sending a link asking to trade : links like steamcoRmunity.com and etc, these websites look exactly like the normal ones but when you login they will know all your information.

RE: WARNING for all CSGO players - Bowiii - 09-13-2014

That happens to everybody... I've gotten tons of these random adds with these kinda links I haven't even touched that game...

Just heads up and read this thread.

RE: WARNING for all CSGO players - Greed^ - 09-13-2014

I get these friend requests daily..

RE: WARNING for all CSGO players - Rylund - 09-13-2014

Pretty common.

RE: WARNING for all CSGO players - Jan - 09-13-2014

Not just CSGO players, traders of any kind get these links on a daily basis, including me.

RE: WARNING for all CSGO players - DoomDude1 - 09-13-2014

I love Stearn cornmunity.

RE: WARNING for all CSGO players - yarrrs - 09-13-2014

And this is new?

RE: WARNING for all CSGO players - Envy - 09-13-2014

Don't remind me of Phishing Links ;--;

RE: WARNING for all CSGO players - Envy - 09-14-2014

Yeah and I also get at least 20 Friend Requests a day from these Phishers

RE: WARNING for all CSGO players - Jan - 09-15-2014

(09-15-2014, 02:56 PM)The Evil Eagle Wrote: it MAAAY cause damage...IT MAAAAY give you a virus..WARNING TO PEOPLE OF COUNTER-STRIKE

Your reply doesn't make sense, at all.