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Ban Request on mizzy for Propblocking-pushing. - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Ban Request on mizzy for Propblocking-pushing. (/showthread.php?tid=51680)

Ban Request on mizzy for Propblocking-pushing. - KamiKatze - 09-05-2014

Name of the Player: mizzy

Steam ID:
mizzy: STEAM_0:0:27273045

Time in GMT: i dont know the time but in the evening

Server: rp_evocity_v33x

Summary: I was driving with my Lamborgini on the road to Corleone Village as i was a corleone and a gun dealer rammed me and i followed him into this warehouse at the tunnel. There mizzy was proppushing an other car so i get out and ran away. After a few minutes i came back with another corleone and i saw how my car flew in the air because mizzy pushed it. I ran to him with my shotgun and was telling him to repair my car because he destoyed it. He was running into the backroom and was blocking the way with props so i could not get inside(got a picture).
I couldnt get in, so i went away and later came back. He blocked the whole Garage and insulted me. I wanted that he buys me a toolkit so i can drive to my village. After a while of insulting i broke the door and wanted to catch him. But he removed the props from Garage door and putted props in my way(got a picture).
I was trapped with WinterOak(got a picture).
At the end i bought the toolkit myself.

Short: mizzy proppushed, trapped me and destroyed my car with his props. He did this not once.

RE: Ban Request on mizzy for Propblocking-pushing. - Preditor - 09-05-2014

The pictures do not load up on the thread.

RE: Ban Request on mizzy for Propblocking-pushing. - KamiKatze - 09-06-2014

(09-05-2014, 08:45 PM)Preditor Wrote: The pictures do not load up on the thread.

sry i fix it

RE: Ban Request on mizzy for Propblocking-pushing. - GeorgeTheBoy - 09-06-2014

Still waiting for these images.

RE: Ban Request on mizzy for Propblocking-pushing. - SourLemon - 09-06-2014




RE: Ban Request on mizzy for Propblocking-pushing. - GeorgeTheBoy - 09-06-2014

Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as the accused player was found violating rules regarding prop blocking.
A blacklist from Physgun, props/entities, and Toolgun will be applied for 6 hours.

[FL] GeorgeTheBoy
Server Administrative Team