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Ban request LostGamerHd - Printable Version

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Ban request LostGamerHd - TB-Bundy - 09-02-2014

Name of player: Lostgamerhd

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47821049

Time in GMT: Around 19:00

Server: V2P

Summary: As a paramedic i saw a door open and a guy in it so i walked a little bit inside, then he went off and i turned around, as i saw cops asking me to come in (while blocked the door) i wanted to step outside (they had no warrant for the guy though they were just lockpicking), then i got demoted by [FL:RP] Bruno S (STEAM_0:0:59792421) for having weed pots as a paramedic (which is impossible) as i went there to get the names of who shot me (didn't get close enough) i got random tazed by The_Back_ (STEAM_0:1:57734079) then LostgamerHd decided to cdm me (in ragdoll mode) because i killed a person in my previous life, which is breaking the NLR rule, then i went back to confirm who ran me over as i found it was lostgamerhd as expected, then Frostiebuilder asked him why he random tazes and he decides to cdm his TEAMMATE, get out of the car and random taze me AGAIN, lying with a warrant as ''Warrant for reason killing and have drugs'' And then he goes again and break the nlr rule. Then the_back_ tazes me and makes me get up and Lostgamerhd has fun with playing with my body and his tazer, then his IRL friend Gamer464 (STEAM_0:0:80350627) warrants me with the reason ''Assaulting three police officers'' which is impossible, i turn around and watch lostgamerhd as expected cdm me AGAIN. After this Bruno S demoted the officer Niko that i asked for help.

In video 2 (WILL) you see an attempt of Lostgamerhd cdming me which i came out alive (idk how) and him breaking fearRp and driving away from the cops while they got guns aimed at him. Later he broke NLR.

In the second video, you see LostgamerHd cdming someone else AGAIN, and because of that he got warranted and as you can see in the end of the video, Gamer464 unwarrants him because they are friends.

As he broke multiple rules multiple times, at multiple people, (teamkilling cdm rdm random taze and more) i really hope you guys take this as a serious threat because of his destructive gameplay.

Evidence: 1 - http://youtu.be/eskSe5BwMZo
2 - (second video will be posted tomorrow)

Because posting multiple br's about the rulebreaking friends i decided to post both evidencial videos.

RE: Ban request LostGamerHd - Preditor - 09-02-2014


The accused players have been found violating multiple rules. But the majority of the reported players have been found violating minor rules.