Fearless Forums
Ban Request on SanderRoli - Printable Version

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Ban Request on SanderRoli - James - 08-25-2014

Name of player: SanderRoli.

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:38673121.

Time in GMT: Around 02:30PM, GMT+001.

Server: V2D.

Summary: Basically, SanderRoli was CDMing people for no apparent reason, I am not sure if it was him. It states his name but it could be a stolen vehicle. I don't know if the logs will state what occurred. Also, you can see Drillar (I think) punching a body in ragdoll mode. But, I could not gather his SteamID. If the video is in low quality, wait for a couple of minutes, it will eventually be 1080P.

Evidence: http://youtu.be/C6sjaLFyMRc.

RE: Ban Request on SanderRoli - GeorgeTheBoy - 08-25-2014

Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as the accused player was found violating rules regarding CDM.
A blacklist from vehicles will be applied for 3 hours.

[FL] GeorgeTheBoy
Server Administrative Team