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BR - CleanGanGsta - Printable Version

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BR - CleanGanGsta - Evanswachtz - 08-23-2014

Thread Title: BR - CleanGanGsta

Name of player: CleanGangSta

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43336660

Time in GMT: 14:30 (Swedish time (About this time))

Server: v2d

Summary: Called me bad stuff in Swedish and English. Before the recording started, he said other words also. It's easier for a Swedish admin to check this, (ex.) Viktor.
I translated it, so makes it easier.


RE: BR - CleanGanGsta - [FL:RP] TyqaVenom - 08-23-2014

Very rude , unacceptable , too rude
This won't help but #Yolo

+ support


Not involved - Warned - GeorgeTheBoy

RE: BR - CleanGanGsta - Enzyme - 08-23-2014

Norwegian admin to the rescue!

Ban has been issued.