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Random Tales about Garry's Mod RP! - Printable Version

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Random Tales about Garry's Mod RP! - Joey Skylynx - 06-21-2014

So on the Facepunch forums, I made a thread for people to come and tell stories about Garry's Mod RP. I figure you guys have some interesting stories you could possibly post here on FL, or post it on that on Facepunch. This type of thing works to advertise the FL community, so posting a decent and lengthy story could get more people on FL.

Also my recent story from that thread:
Hobo Resistance Union
This tale starts during the Serious RP Breakup of 2008... Now, I know that a few people from this forum were defiantly around during this period, and are probably rolling their eyes right now about the over dramatic title, but let these youngin's hear about it!
In this period, we had three major RP communities break apart and form several splinter groups, and at the same time, this was when we saw one of the first public releases of Falco's Dark RP. The year of 2009 was set up in such a way where new gamemodes and communities, began to come online en' masse. From this era of creation and development came a gamemode known as Office RP... As the name implies, it was a gamemode which acted like a real life office. The odd thing about these guys though was that they kept the server locked, and instead of just getting people from Facepunch to come play, they would go onto random Dark RP servers, set up a recruitment office, and hire players from those servers.

It was just a very surreal experience when I started working for them. My first job with these guys was going into their server, and doing some paper work on a modified version of PCMod 2 that they had. Most of the work comprised of me monitoring other worker's activities, making files of any incidents of accidents that occurred during worktime, and just... Filing it. This was my job on Office RP for roughly two weeks. The pay I was given was roughly $50,000 for five hours of work, and it was very much a cake walk. The few times I came into contact with other workers, I found them describing similar jobs. One guy was a crane operator, one guy worked on designs, and we had this one girl who was a Steam Message assistant for the "boss".

Now here's the odd thing about Office RP. The Boss was a worker just like use. Sorta like a store manager for McDonalds. He made sure that we had a project from the "organization" that we were working for, and that when we completed a project, said project was delivered to those that we needed it to be delivered too. The chick I was talking about earlier, was a member of the "organization" and she usually took messages from the boss, forwarded them to the "organization", and likewise kept us is contact with anyone we needed to be in contact with. Most of our workers had not a clue, who we were working for, yet we never questioned that... As long as the money kept flowing, we kept working.

As time went on, I moved up the ranks from a PCMod Operator, to an operator of a control panel room with blacked out windows. Never was I informed on what exactly I was controlling with the panel, but my job was quiet simple really... When ordered to press a certain button, I would do it. It was from this that I continued to get paid $50,000 a day, and I went along with my "job". Time went along, and eventually I started to communicate with other players about the "organization" that we worked for. All though many of them were just as clueless as I was, one of them later spilled the beans, and told us that we were working for a clan that built GCombat and Wiremod related contraptions for use in DarkRP servers. THese contraptions varied from tanks, bombs, and simple helicopters used by Police Forces to transport supplies and the like. All though this seemed rather simple, and non-complicated, it brought more questions to us and all of us started to study our jobs more, hoping to figure out what exactly we were doing.

One of the guys realized that his job was operating a crane system that lifted boxes of ammunition, and brought them down into vehicles. Makes sense. One of the PCMod Operators read a few of his files on his off period and found that the files contained an encrypted code, alongside some messages discussing servers where our vehicles were being sold to... Makes sense. Then finally, I studied my own contraption, but with the blacked out windows... I was clueless. While I studied my platform for some hidden secrets, I later decided to just listen to what was going on outside of the blacked out control room, and found myself hearing the sound of a toolgun and footsteps going on. About fifteen toolgun clicks every minute, and quiet a bit of foot movement... Roughly two to three people. What were these people doing? I would most likely never find out, but everyone of our guys discussed their finding to each other, and then went back to work. Trying to ignore our newly acquired knowledge.

The next day, we had been updated on a new project that we were going to start working on... The title of which was "Project Hercules" our designer quickly made a design, submitted it to the Boss, and he then forwarded it to his Steam Message Assistant(SMA), who sent it off to the organization. The organization seemed kinda rushed with their response, demanding that we immediately start production. This went beyond our usual two day confirmation process, but we were not going to question them, and we got to our factory positions and started our usual construction process. The windows I had still remained blacked out, every PCMod Operator was still operating files, and our other crane operators did the same thing that I was doing. Our boss confirmed for the first time that we had manufactured six units of Project Hercules, and that they were going to be shipped out immediately.

...Shipped out? What was he talking about? You cannot transfer contraptions across servers! Well outside of this little mental note, he sent us home early, but with full pay, and I went off to the server I came from and visited a local bar. That night a local Garry's Mod band was playing, and they had brought with them a new group of instruments. These instruments they used was an Expression One system that used a virtual keyboard to prompt sounds being played, and the aesthetics of the instruments resembled instruments from the Grinch movie! Every member of the audience was excited about the amazing sounds being played, and listening to the vocals of a female player singing a love song which I believe was titled "Contraptions Colliding" I remember some of the lyrics to this day even!

Quote:And we hum closer back and forth
Colliding as our contraptions go closer ever more
Watch as we sing a song so peaceful to mind
Let our contraptions collide into the night!

Ohh yes, let us collide into the night

As the song came to an end, and the band began to build and code their next instruments. As the audience waited for the next song, two people in the audience began to have a conversation about "strange things" they saw in a nearby area. They described players teleporting in contraptions, yet the server did not have advanced duplicator, and described seeing GCombat weapons being used in the server. Several people started listening to the players, and their conversations got darker and darker as time went on... Describing horrible activities being done by this group of players who were teleporting in contraptions, and how they had a weapon which could "destroy a base within the blink of an eye"... Before they started to describe where these players were, they realized that everyone was staring at them in shock, and one of the guys realized that he may of said to much, and him and his friend ran out the door. It was such a strange experience.

Well, I stayed at the bar and listened to three more songs that the band had tuned up, and when they were done, gave them a round of applause over my microphone, and left the bar. It was a long walk back to the house where I had my money printers at, but I made the walk back, and as I was about the enter the apartment block on Downtown_V2, I turned and looked across the street to see two hobos infront of the OfficeRP Recruitment Office, with signs saying, "No more War of The Servers!" "Stop bringing war to our home!" I was startled and confused, and decided to walk over to them and ask what exactly they were talking about.

As they shouted at me and described the same things the guys at the bar were talking about, I was almost about to start laughing until I heard a familiar name.. Project Hercules. As soon as I heard the name "Project Hercules" I stopped dead in my tracks, and stopped talking on my microphone, and then silently turned my mic on and asked, "How do you know about that..?" when they realized I was an OfficeRP worker, they used the "Punisher" swep on me to put me into ragdoll form, and dragged me with physguns back to their Hobo Hideout in the sewers. I was unable to speak, type, or do anything while they dragged me, and when I finally reached the bottom of the sewers... They two hobos pulled me back up by right clicking with the Punisher swep, and I was approached by a man with the job title of "HRU Leader".

"So... You are from Office RP?" the man uttered to me before taking out his physgun, and pointing the physgun laser at the two hobos, and ordering them to stand next to him. Even though I replied with a simple and very cautious yes, the man with the job title of "HRU Leader" seemed not to pleased with my existence. He began to interrogate me regarding projects I was involved with at Office RP, and tried to figure out more information regarding who I was. It was at this point that I realized that something was very wrong here... The "HRU Leader", the Hobos, and few other people who were with them... All of these people were mods and admins from this server, yet they obviously did not have any of their admin powers. Even though I answered the questions they asked, the HRU Leader seemed more interested in what I had to say. It was because of this brief moment of them listening to me, that I finally asked... "You guys are admins... Right?"

Silence. None of them even so much as changed where they were looking with their mouse, no text chat, no voice chat. Just... Silence.

Eventually the HRU Leader responded with a very simple, "Yes" and began to tell me what had happened. It was a story of how the organization was attempting to forward a campaign for another gamemode group known as the "Plane Builders" a group which was organized under the banner of an RP gamemode known as GMod RP. All though I knew of the Plane Builders from a server known as Naval Play, where I had fought against them in a group known as the Naval Roleplay Dogfighters(=NRD=), the Plane Builders had apparently started an Office RP server which had the goal of manufacturing weapons of wars, and mobilizing them on Dark RP servers. After capturing and enslaving the playerbases of several major Dark RP servers, they would begin turning the Dark RP servers into GMod RP.

All of this confused me at the time, as I didn't think it was possible to simply take over a server, and I even made that point to the HRU Leader... He replied that he had though the same, but one night the Plane Builders had set up their "Office RP Recruitment!" building inside of their server, and started to use their political sway with the server's owner in order to get Wiremod on the server. Once the server owner added Wiremod, all they had to do was unleash a contraption that teleported a Wire Command Box which used exploits in ULX console commands to silently give the Plane Builders ownership over the server. From here they began to upload files that would redirect the owner and admins of the server to a server known as the "White Tunnel" which used a modified version of the Screaming GMan virus to upload StuxNet like viruses to a users computer. These viruses, once on the computer, would wait until the computer was not actively being used, and at this point the Plane Builders would have hacker buddies go into remote-access on the player's computer, and begin taking important files and documents... The final mission of these hackers was to ultimately get the passwords and username of the server's control panel, and from here they would begin uploading files and packages which could only be accessed via console commands.

This allowed the Plane Builders to bring in weapons and contraptions made on Office RP, without the admins and server owners even having so much of a clue of what was going on. As time went on, the Plane Builders would add more and more files onto the server, and would organize a date for when they would launch raiding teams into the server. By this point in time, the hackers would launch a combined operation against every admin and server operator to ensure that they had no access to Garry's Mod, and would have malicious viruses downloaded onto every admins computer. The server control panel would have already had all the passwords and emails switched to accounts used by the Plane Builders, and from this point on... All that was left was to subdue and pacify the population.

The leader of the HRU... The hobos... Anyone in the sewers at the time were considered some of the "lucky" admins as they were mostly forum admins, and they usually were never active outside of a few server events where I had seen them. These guys were the resistance that remained against the Plane Builder's conquest of their server. The HRU Leader was doubtful that they would be enough against the raiding teams amassing in the Office RP server... He explained that they would most likely would start coming with tanks, artillery, and tons of armed soldiers. I attempted to rebut this statement by saying that the server did not have advanced duplicator, how could they possibly bring in tanks and artillery!? And... It was this point that I was informed that one of the things the Plane Builders had coded into the server was a group of teleporters located at the Yellow Warehouse. You know how some Lobby Servers have teleporters that teleport players to different servers? This is what the raiding teams were using, but they also had the ability to teleport/spawn contraptions in. The players would just simply get in a seat, drive into the "teleporter" a player would click a button at the top of a command room, and boom. They would connect to the other server, and when they appeared, they would be already in the contraption seat.

It was with this that the HRU Leader and the other admins were aware of how bad their situation was... Not only would they be fighting GCombat tanks with simple AK-47s, and other weapons they had on hand, but they would also be forced to fight against entire squads of infantry that would be searching out the entire server to kill pacify the remaining admins before they began forcefully switching out the current files in the gamemode to GMod RP's files. The tension that they had towards me was also pretty evident.. Many of them refused to talk to me or would walk away calling me a "jackass" and it was only with the leader of the group that I became aware of how they managed to capture one of the contraptions of "Project Hercules"

As I stayed closely behind the HRU Leader following him through the labyrinth of sewers, he brought me to a room where they housed, "Project Hercules"... At first, it looked like nothing more than a simple Pneumatic Pipe system with a control panel. All I remember doing was holding back laughter, as I couldn't believe this was "Project Hercules" and that this is something that was so top secret, that while building it, I had to remain in a darkened control room. The HRU Leader though was interested in this system, he walked over to it, and as he turned the machine on, it bellowed a loud HL2 Teleporter noise. He quickly called forth a member of the Hobo Resistance Union to the room, and told them to bring a "shell" of which the man brought...
At first, it looked like litte more than a small hollow PHX Rail prop, with the ends covered in wooden bits. I did not know what was on the inside, but the outside just looked so simple and basic. How could this thing be something that actually interested this man...? While these questions rang through my mind, the man holding the PHX Rail prop, was ordered by the leader to load the shell into the pneumatic pipe system, and once he did, I heard the machine say with an HL1 VOX Command: "Turret Activated."

I was asked to leave the room, and the leader of the HRU stayed behind, and took control of the machine's Virtual Keyboard, and as I left the room, the door closed behind him. The other members of the Hobo Resistance Union whisked me to their command-hub where they had an RT Screen up which clearly was being controlled by their leader. It went through walls, went through several buildings, and finally ended up at the Office RP Recruitment Offices. All I remember happening next was him leaving the room housing Project Hercules, and him coming to our room, and saying, "5 seconds" and then counting down... Once he reached three seconds, I heard the HL2 Teleporter noise coming from the room housing Hercules, and watched as that little PHX Rail Prop was now teleported in the Office RP Recruitment building... When he finished counting down, it bounced into the air, and shot out six thruster plates, which had Wire Welders connected to them... They all connected to nearby props and walls, and then just as quickly as the shell was there, it exploded and was gone... Every prop in the building began to collapse, anything wooden was on fire, any player outside of the building was seriously hurt by the explosion... And then it all deleted itself.

It... It was gone. What just happened? How? I started saying this and mumbled and uttered several other things in confusion. The Leader could only laugh at my confusion, and explained that this was a WMD used by the Plane Builders in their pacification operations. They had managed to capture this contraption and ten shells for it when the Plane Builders attempted to have a scouting party set this machine up in the sewers. For the moment, they just used one as an example, and they still had nine shells remaining. It was then that I realized that their was a chance in hell that we could destroy the Plane Builders, and I asked the Leader about using these Hercules shells in an IED configuration, and he thought about it, and agree'd. The only problem was though that simply hitting them in this server would never be enough. We needed to hit them where it would defiantly hurt... We needed to hit them at Office RP.

The only problem is... We were on this server, and so was the contraption, Hercules. The only way we would be possibly able to attack Office RP was by taking control of the teleporters at Yellow Warehouse, and sending ourselves into that server. This decision was shot to many of the remaining admins apart of the Hobo Resistance Union. This was their chance to strike back, and reclaim what has been lost. With the plan made, we had to organize an attack on the Yellow Warehouse via the sewers, as it was the most unprotected front. We made an attack team involving myself and three others to go through the underground railroad system on downtown, in the hopes of coming up in the back door of the Yellow Warehouse. We carried with us three shells modified for IED purposes, and from the headquarters, we had the HRU leader and another hobo stay behind to use Project Hercules against the defenses of the Yellow Warehouse.

As we came up onto the back door, we waited until that all to familiar teleporter sound came in, and we heard the explosions go off, and start to destroy the defenses and traps the Plane Builders had left for any intruders. With a lockpick, we quickly broke through the back doors, and found ourselves in the warehouse... Any defender was dead, tanks lay unwelded and destroyed, and amongst the ruins we found several prop posters that they had added to the server... All of which were some 1984: "Big Brother is Watching You" type deal with calling Dark RP'ers, "Deathmatchers, Mingebags, and Pedophiles" and some posters declaring that the Plane Builders was helping Garry's Mod by ridding the world of DarkDM... Yuck.

With the damage dealt, we quickly got ourselves organized, and got our selves into the teleporters with the Hercules Shells, and quickly teleported ourselves to the RP_Office_Owc map. When we arrived, we found ourselves in the lower garages of the map, with a small brigade of tanks preparing for a raid on another server that had it's admin team destroyed. One of our guys quickly ran over and put the Hercules shell on the ground, and we all ran to the upper floor. When we reached the top of the floor though... We realized a massive problem... The numpads that we had wired up to explode the Hercules Shells did not cross servers with us, and as such one of us had to run back into the base, and quickly wire it up to a wire button. It was a suicide mission without a doubt... And the person who did it, would surely be killed and most likely thrown out of the server.

A young thirteen year old kid, who was a trial mod before the whole White Tunnel Incident occurred, volunteered. We tried to warn him of the consequences, and how he would most likely have his computer attacked once they found out he destroyed their invasion force, but he wasn't concerned. The kid ran down there, with alarms being raised to his presence... All I remember seeing him do was run into a small room, lock the door, wire up the bomb, and as they broke the door open with the OfficeRP "security teams" he took the bomb, propkilled one of the security force members, and then ran out into the open, and jumped on the bomb... Shouting at the top of his lungs with his little squeaky voice, "LONG LIVE DARKRP" and then killed himself, as well as the entire invasion force with the Hercules shell.

Brave little fucker the kid was... With one of us down though, we quickly wired up the bombs, and began running through the offices, battling our way through the security teams, and made our way to the crane operations where most of my time had been spent manufacturing god knows what for the purpose of invading other servers. When I got into the room I quickly tossed a bomb into the crane room I operated, and ran away with the rest of the team, with only the sound of an explosion going off, and the sound of dewelding props. It was at this point I started to remember the lyrics to that song... "And we hum closer back and forth, colliding as our contraptions go closer ever more, watch as we sing a song peaceful to the mind, let our contraptions collide into the night!" it was at the moment though... That not only props collided.

As we moved closer to PCMod Operations, one of our guys was ambushed by a security force member armed with a deagle... It took three shots to bring him down, and by that point the other member of the HRU turned and gunned down the security force member with his AK-47. The feeling though... Just knowing that these players had been killed, and that because their names and SteamIDs were now known, and that they might have their computers attacked with viruses... It just brought that reality that this was a fight for something else.

Now down to only two people... Myself and this grizzled old guy, I finally found it time to ask this guy what his name was. "It's Zach." and that was all he said before he went off to tell me that he use to play on The Specialist RP, and that he finds it hard to believe how bad RP was becoming. While we chit-chatted about this, we walked over to the PCMod computers, and with my old username and password, I got in and started to write down everything in the documents as well as take pictures, we then trashed the computers with an inbuilt system fryer that they had on Office RP. With all of this done, we went to the final manufacturing room and put down the explosives, and blew them up. Leaving every bit of Office RP's manufacturing capabilities destroyed and devastated. We quickly ran over to the teleporter room, but realized that the Hercules shells had destroyed the teleporters, making it so we had to disconnect via the actual disconnect button in the Garry's Mod menu...

With the utter destruction of the Plane Builder's invasion capabilities, it was only a matter of time before the Plane Builder's made their final "attack" attempt at Garry's Mod. This time by releasing the Screaming GMan Virus in the Spring Break of 2009. The virus infected any server that the Plane Builder's had previously attempted to take over and invade. The damage caused by the Screaming Gman Virus of 2009 was later found to be a .dua exploit, which was later fixed and remedied in the future versions of Garry's Mod. The two players that were killed in the operations to destroy Office RP did not have trojans and otherwise uploaded to their computers, and they returned to their community as heroes. All though the server has been long since closed down, and most of the admins have split into different servers... It's without a doubt that a few of them remember those days in 2009, when they took down the invasion capabilities of the Plane Builders, and stopped a great invasion of major Dark RP servers from ever occurring.

RE: Random Tales about Garry's Mod RP! - monk - 06-21-2014


RE: Random Tales about Garry's Mod RP! - Fiddlestiiicks - 06-21-2014


11/10, would spaghetti again.

RE: Random Tales about Garry's Mod RP! - Haarek - 06-21-2014


RE: Random Tales about Garry's Mod RP! - ArcHammer - 06-21-2014

Aaaahhh TL;DR