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These 2 bans are false and need to be removed. - Printable Version

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These 2 bans are false and need to be removed. - Pixlemaster12 - 06-10-2014

Your name: pixlemaster12 (1st) CorporalCrunch (2nd)

Your ban ID: 43533,49398

Banned by: Venom,Infrenaw

Reason: Suicied to avoid arrest and BRA RDM

Involved: Dont remeber

Why we should unban you: I have finally figured out how these bans make no sense after studying the rules and stuff ok heres the first one and why it should be removed. Ok when i first started playing i had fun time went by a couple weeks later i am arrested, Dont remeber the reason. So i was arrested then the cell doors were open so i left it the when i got halfway down the hallway i tped back to my cell i left it again then sru came down the elevator and stopped us i then got the 35 seconds till disconnect. Then i tried to join the server again. But i was banned so i check the fourms it says Suicide to avoid but i was already in jail i made an UnBan and Venom then said it was because i had jumped off the jail floor killing my self in the elevator shaft. This was exactly his reason. But i dont know if he knew at the time that if you were in jail and you jumped off the elevator shaft you time would reset and you would tp back to jail. My unban was then denied but i had done nothing wrong. Now the second ban that should be removed i BRA RDM. I got a BR for accusing a player of tranqing me and having 41 kills. Also there was no proof of RDM just a picture of me with 41 kills and a video of me shooting a cop for pulling a gun on me and trying to make me put it down so i killed him (Not RDM a good reason) So i was then banned for having 41 kills for RDM without proof of RDM. The reason i had 41 kills is actually because I did many raids working with the corleones we kiled rebels,cops,and sru these groups usually broke NLR many of the times getting me fast easy kills, We had also killed the president about 3 times. Also my kills saved and then added up from the last server restart cause they do do that. I hope that you can infact realize that these are false bans given on what i told you. If you tink i am lying i can provide links to the original Un-BR and see for yourselfs that i didnt jump ti suicide an i didnt RDM.

RE: These 2 bans are false and need to be removed. - Fultz - 06-20-2014

The fact you jumped off and died it the reason you were banned. That is like saying it's not Rdm because they respawn.

If both unban requests were denied why would they be removed from your record now?
