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unban request - Printable Version

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unban request - one9393 - 05-23-2014

Dear, Guys

i got a ban i don`t know why but, ok.

my name: [Ger]one9393

Your ban ID: 49017

[b]Banned by:
[FL] Shadow

Reason: BRA #46919 'FearRP - Enzyme

Involved:i don`t know what should i write here Sad

Why we should unban you: yeah i regret it realy and when a cop again does this record i it or i let it with the ban requistion sry jamaster, i hopoe for your understanding i want just play in RollPlay i realy keep the Rules but,as i feld treated unfairly becasue that i done soo stupid thing and made this ban requistion i know without video i stadn there Bad.

And i ask me why i got the ban from 1 and half hours. i was on for 21 and half hours

Ahh,ok Guys.

i got the Ban because i was starting a ban requestion and they was not accept.

ok Admin now i explain it,as i was at the once arrest from the cop" Jamster" for 5 min after that i got my car
and rode at the street.The other site was blocked then i turn the other street site and ddi enter again the true street site,then "jamster" comes and said
go out the car and i did knew that he again arrest me.then i wrote him why and what did i done."jamster" made a vedio of this. but that isn`t the full storie

//that`S isn`t the full storey just a little piece bit.

RE: unban request - one9393 - 05-23-2014

i didn`t know that when my ban requetion is denied that i get ban for 1 day 0_o

And this vedio was is 12 sec long isn`t a evidence for the storie.

obvious hamaster record just the moment where is was upsit and he didn`t record the other parts ....

sry guys i ment upset my english isn`t the best P:

And the thread of jamaster was close at 2pm and i got ban befor 3 hours 0_o

And i wasn`t able to fight back at the comment from jamaster befor i could give a wnswer back was the thread still close.

I think I could not convince you, please make since my ban time a little short. because the normal Theard already at 02:00 pm closed but i got the ban befor 3 and half hours.

Thanks for your consideration and sorry for the disturb: (

RE: unban request - Enzyme - 05-23-2014


You always follow fearRP, no matter what.

Closing notes: The banned player broke the rules, and the banning administrator found no reason to remove nor shorten the ban issued.