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Forum Appeal: Freezak - Printable Version

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Forum Appeal: Freezak - Olivierus - 05-10-2014


Your name: Freezak

Your ban ID: It's a forum ban

Banned by: I don't know, it would be nice to know though.

Reason: "Hacking brothers' accounts to make ban requests and deleting posts without approval"

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: Let's start off with a fact that my brother (Olivierus) got killed for no reason, and came to me with a request to write a BR against the person that killed him (Kevin). I did it, but then my second brother (Volimius), who's a friend of Kevin logged on Olivierus's account and deleted the ban request. Then i've put it back, while Kevin wrote a post for Volimius, which got posted on Volimius account (later deleted due to that). That's all the story, i thought it wouldn't be so hard to understand. And it would be nice if you could bring my avatar on my account back, which is a Boreyko coat of arms. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boreyko_coat_of_arms

RE: Forum Appeal: Freezak - Fultz - 05-10-2014

So you are saying both of your brothers are lying about what happened and infact Kevin was the one who hacked the accounts?

RE: Forum Appeal: Freezak - Olivierus - 05-10-2014

Not hacked the accounts, Volimius was influenced with Kevin's view, who told him what to post. Not sure who was talking with you, but Olivierus is not lying about what happened, his view is same as mine.

But that's what happens when you're biased and you listen to one side of the conflict, shameful for a staff member.

RE: Forum Appeal: Freezak - Fultz - 05-10-2014

v2p    [14:44:56]    [FL] Termin    (STEAM_0:0:29604176)     said: /pm oliv Oliv do you want the ban request on Kevin? Or did Freezak get you to do it?
v2p    [14:46:10]    Olivierus    (STEAM_0:1:41768660)     said: /R No i dont want

RE: Forum Appeal: Freezak - Olivierus - 05-10-2014

Think about it for a moment, while you did read my posts above. Who could write it if one brother is on my side and the other one is on Kevin's side?

Kevin, being extremely scared about the ban request which got for some reason denied, tried to do everything to get it deleted/denied. Nice job once again Termin.

RE: Forum Appeal: Freezak - Fultz - 05-10-2014

<19:08:40> "Termin": Freezak (STEAM_0:1:22720663)     has 2 Bans
Volimius (STEAM_0:1:25711486)     has 12 Bans
Olivierus (STEAM_0:1:41768660)     has 0 Bans

Who do each of these belong to?
<19:12:12> "Termin": Do you have another brother?
<19:12:24> "Volimius": No
<19:12:28> "Volimius": i have only 2 brothers
<19:12:50> "Termin": Is Freezak and Olivierus the same person?
<19:12:55> "Volimius": no
<19:13:05> "Termin": Is Freezak on Oli account?
<19:13:10> "Volimius": no
<19:13:25> "Volimius": Olivierus is Oli account and Freezak is Erwin account
<19:13:34> "Termin": But he took your account and deleted a post?
<19:13:42> "Volimius": yes
<19:13:58> "Termin": Thanks, and Oli still wants the ban request?
<19:14:05> "Volimius": No
<19:14:51> "Termin": Do you know if Oli wrote this 'He killed me for no reason as i see he don't talk anything about it because he didn't have reason in fact.'
<19:15:08> "Volimius": Oli dont know good english
<19:15:25> "Termin": So Freezak is posting for him?
<19:15:27> "Volimius": Yes
<19:15:35> "Termin": Thank you

RE: Forum Appeal: Freezak - Olivierus - 05-10-2014

Did i need to post the same thing more than one time? Oli doesn't know english very well, thus i did translate his words.

And once again, Volimius was on Kevin's side, who told him what to write in roder to get him out of potential ban. Use common sense.

It would be nice if an oh-so-experienced admin Termin could listen to the other side of the conflict before performing any actions.

I want an owner to look into the case, i've said before to the admin who took the matter to keep biased staff members away.

RE: Forum Appeal: Freezak - Termin - 05-10-2014

This investigation proved that you were manipulating a ban request to try and get a user banned. Not only did you access other user's accounts to delete posts you also messaged many admins trying to get the ban request processed as quick as possible.

I've spoken to both your brothers, Vol about his account mainly, and Oli as posted above. There was insufficient evidence to process a ban request on the grounds but there was plenty of evidence to prove you manipulated a ban request. There was also proof to suggest Oli did not want the ban request posted at all.

I did not perform any actions singly, it was a joint decision amongst myself and Fultz, where I did all the investigating.

RE: Forum Appeal: Freezak - Olivierus - 05-10-2014

First of all, how does it matter that i wanted an admin to look into it? reading lies can get an individual annoyed, thus i wanted a staff member to stop it.

There was in fact an evidence to process a ban request, which are the logs. (Same way to check a kill like a video - you don't really know if an individual got killed for a reason or not, just same as by looking into the logs. Common sense?)

Olivierus DID want to post a ban request but Volimius didn't want him to do that as he's a friend of Kevin.

You're not performing any actions without listening to the other side, first of all you make a post about Kevin to respond to the ban request.

Then you delete it and talk about EVERYTHING behind my back.

I'll get my brother here to post about whether he wants to reveal the truth or stand behind his friend, drowning in the lies.

RE: Forum Appeal: Freezak - Termin - 05-10-2014

Exactly and the lack of that reason is why the ban request is denied.

My post was unapproved when I posted a second post shortly after, thus combining the posts together, I saw no reason to fix it.
All the information I needed from you was already posted
Freezak Wrote:I've removed his post because you wrote it for him, i''ll let him speak for himself. Now please explain the case. And what SA are you talking about?

Proving you took over user accounts unnecessarily and therefore in an extreme term 'hacking'. You do not have permissions to delete other users posts, something you decided to do your own way. Even if it's a lie or manipulated by someone else, it is not your job.