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Unban Request - Printable Version

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Unban Request - Deno - 07-31-2011

Your name: Deno

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:5528086

Banning Admin: Ban request thread approved by [FL] Flame

Ban Length: 1 week

Reason for the ban: random tranq abusing, ammo bug exploit, random tieing up.

Why we should unban you: Ban request was partly motivated by visual having negative personal feelings towards me. All the allegations except for use of ammo bug exploit are entirely untrue. After being made aware of the 'ammo bug exploit' by an admin I immediately stopped using it. The ban seems to be based on the word of Visual alone (despite other players backing up my side of the story and my character in general). All that the screenshots show is me holding a gun to Visual, and me tranqing Visual. No way to deduce from the screenshots that the raid was random.
I haven't encountered [FL] Flame before, but i'm sure some of the other admins who I have encountered before could back me up.

I'll put it this way. What's more likely. After playing the server for over 100 hours I suddenly decided to become a mingebag? (never been banned due to other players having some sort of complaint about my RP/lack or RP skills.) or that Visual simply thought he would vent his frustration by attempting to get me banned. I'm a good roleplayer, and I believe I contribute a lot to the server. I was hoping to introduce my friend to the server tonight, but possibly might not be able to as I discovered this ban on getting back from a short weekend break away.

If whoever came to this decision is determined to have me banned, at least reduce the length of this draconian one week ban. Thanks.

RE: Unban Request - Dryblood - 07-31-2011

Hello Deno.

Firstly can I make you aware that the average ban for abusing the ammo bug is a month.
Secondly no one is insinuating you are a "Mingebag". I personally do not like to label players.

In my opinion Deno your ban should not be reduced, I wish to see you take the things you have said above into action, like when you said "I'm a good roleplayer, and I believe I contribute a lot to the server".

I think we should wait for Flame to post.

Thanks - Dryblood

RE: Unban Request - Flame - 08-01-2011

I was just the one to approve the Ban request since i found you abusing the ammo bug on the Tranq,

Also im not the Banning admin.

RE: Unban Request - Deno - 08-01-2011

(08-01-2011, 04:47 AM)Flame Wrote: I was just the one to approve the Ban request since i found you abusing the ammo bug on the Tranq,

Also im not the Banning admin.

With respect Flame, after I was told to stop exploiting the ammo bug (as I didn't know it was against rules) I used tranquiliser darts and didn't use the ammo bug once.

Can I clarify, is this ban for using the ammo bug or for the alleged rules I broke relating to Visual. If it's the latter well i've already pleaded that his ban request is entirely without merit. I'm honestly sorry for the trouble this has caused, but I am not going to admit to ANY of the things he claims I did, as they are all fictitious. If his claims were presented in a court of law, the case would be thrown out. The evidence is circumstantial at best, and in my opinion quite obviously a libelous and desperate attempt at getting me banned at worst.

If the ban is about using the ammo bug, in my defence, as soon as I was made aware of it being against the rules I stopped exploiting it. If I could remember the name of the gundealer I would use him as a witness to me buying tranquiliser darts. I know ignorance of the rules isn't a defence, but I am otherwise a rule-obeying player and aim to play in the general spirit of fearRP. May I also add, I am aware it was mikey the fox who ultimately banned me, but I indicated your name Flame as you were the one who came to the decision, it would appear, to ban me therefore I saw this thread as being most relevant to you.

I hope you will give me the benefit of the doubt in this case and remove my ban. Again, sorry for the inconvenience this has caused, and I again apologise sincerely for exploiting the ammo bug. I have already taken note of the rule, and haven't exploited it since.


RE: Unban Request - Flame - 08-01-2011

-Comment removed-
Do you think i would approve a ban request and let mikey ban you without even Talking to him and getting his Opinion?

RE: Unban Request - Deno - 08-01-2011

(08-01-2011, 01:31 PM)Flame Wrote: -Comment removed-
Do you think i would approve a ban request and let mikey ban you without even Talking to him and getting his Opinion?

Yes of course, I knew you would have talked to mikey, I just assumed you knew most about the particular incident so I drew your attention to the thread. Look i'm really sorry for using the ammo bug, after been told it was against rules by an admin I stopped using it. Please give me another chance. I don't deserve to be banned. I learnt my lesson as soon as the admin warned me. I am a good RPer and I love playing on the server, please give me a chance. If you unban me and see me playing like a mingebag then ban me. I feel I deserve a chance. Thanks.

RE: Unban Request - Deno - 08-02-2011

(08-01-2011, 01:50 PM)Deno Wrote:
(08-01-2011, 01:31 PM)Flame Wrote: -Comment removed-
Do you think i would approve a ban request and let mikey ban you without even Talking to him and getting his Opinion?

Yes of course, I knew you would have talked to mikey, I just assumed you knew most about the particular incident so I drew your attention to the thread. Look i'm really sorry for using the ammo bug, after been told it was against rules by an admin I stopped using it. Please give me another chance. I don't deserve to be banned. I learnt my lesson as soon as the admin warned me. I am a good RPer and I love playing on the server, please give me a chance. If you unban me and see me playing like a mingebag then ban me. I feel I deserve a chance. Thanks.
