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Multiple BR Propclimb/kill - Printable Version

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Multiple BR Propclimb/kill - evilmat360 - 04-22-2014

Names of players:
1- Sheepy2000
2- $*>roki-roks<*$
3- Gorikai
4- Ol' Scatty™

1- STEAM_0:1:63325889
2- STEAM_0:0:44345070
3- STEAM_0:0:59357097
4- STEAM_0:0:51648561

Time in GMT: Around 20:00 BST

Server: v2p

SummaryToungeropclimb, Propkill, Not here to RP.
These users propclimbed/ attempted to prop climb to the nexus roof and then began dropping props down/ spamming props at citizens below killing multiple people (propkill). Some as shown were even police officers

Evidence: Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFnQdg_JDzo
Also apologize was playing fragradio in background.
Apologize for the bad quality, only just started using the recording software so need to correct settings.
Quality Improves after 1:00

RE: Multiple BR Propclimb/kill - Spartanjunior - 04-23-2014
