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Banrequest on milk [derpy] - Printable Version

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Banrequest on milk [derpy] - TheGhostFreak - 04-22-2014

Name of player: milk [derpy]

SteamID: milk [derpy] : STEAM_0:1:83171700

Time in GMT:Scene1 : 12:21 Scene2: 13:11

Server: v2p

Summary: Scene 1:milk [derpy] proppushes a car wreck (proppush) and randomly punches fire while being in it (FailRP). Scene 2: milk [derpy] glitching his view through a door to see the contraband in it and advising me to do the same. then he lockpicks the door randomly.

Evidence: Scene1 : Video: http://youtu.be/b-GQVx-4_kE
Scene2 : Video: http://youtu.be/5ARtYeLTKrw

RE: Banrequest on milk [derpy] - Floodify - 04-26-2014

