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Germangammer - Mugging as a GD, breaking NLR - Printable Version

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Germangammer - Mugging as a GD, breaking NLR - Fiddlestiiicks - 04-15-2014

Name of player: Germangammer

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64193330

Time in GMT: Not sure, sorry.

Server: v2d

Summary: Basically, I had my marijuana grow house, minding my own business and this guy comes in, points a galil at me, and demands that I give him all of my money. Then TheAverageGamer comes in, and he points the galil at him. So I make a move and pull my TMP out and kill him. He then comes back not even 1 minute later as a rebel and tries the same exact thing.


RE: Germangammer - Mugging as a GD, breaking NLR - Feffe - 04-21-2014
