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BR fabian.kolmodin - Printable Version

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BR fabian.kolmodin - Barkles - 04-14-2014

Name of player: fabian.kolmodin

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59139134

Time in GMT: 19:28 GMT (British summer time)

Server: V2d

Summary: A truck was stuck in the wall by some weird means. fabian then got a prop in an attempt to get it out, I assumed he was trying to help but started screening anyways. when I told him to stop he then used the prop to kill me and some other guy.

To add some context here is the truck in the wall:

http://imgur.com/a/YNwtF - Maib images of him propkilling me

RE: BR fabian.kolmodin - Feffe - 04-21-2014
